关于整治水荫路、水荫横 路市容交通问题的会议纪要

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10月24日上午,戴治国副市长主持召开会议,专题研究综合整治水荫路、水荫横路市容交通脏乱等有关问题。会议就有关事项决定如下:一、扩建水荫路。由市市政管理局负责在11月底前完成设计和报审;1995年上半年完成扩建工程。扩建工程所涉及的征地等经费,由市建委纳入1995年城建经费及地段小区开发配套费中统筹安排。二、为配合水荫路扩建工程,由市道路扩建工程办公室负责水荫路(与环市路口交接)至水荫直衔路段的拆迁工怍;东山区和杨箕村负责其余路段的扩迁及违章建筑的拆除工作。要求在1995年2月底前全部完成并腾出扩路场地。沿线各单位都要给予支持和配合。 On the morning of October 24, Dai Zhiguo, Vice Mayor of Chaoyang District, chaired a meeting to study issues related to the comprehensive improvement of Shuiyin Road and the unhygienic traffic congestion in Shuiyinheilv Road. The meeting decided on the relevant matters are as follows: First, the expansion of Shuiyin Road. Municipal Municipal Administration Bureau is responsible for the completion of the design and report before the end of November; the first half of 1995 to complete the expansion project. Expansion projects involved in land requisition and other funds, by the City Construction Commission included in 1995 urban construction funds and plot development costs in the overall arrangements. 2. To cope with Shuiyin Road expansion project, the Municipal Road Extension Office will be responsible for the demolition work of Shuiyin Road (connecting with Central City Intersection) to the water-shade straight road section; Dongshan District and Yangjiu Village shall be responsible for the relocation of the remaining road sections And illegal building demolition work. Require completion by the end of February 1995 and make room for expansion. All units along the line should give their support and cooperation.
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各区、县(市)人民政府,市府直属各单位,驻穗有关单位: 一办九四年春节旅客运输(下称春运)即将开始。根据各交通运输部门的客流调查,广州地区一九九四年春运的特点是客流量大
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