A cost-effective chemo-thermo-poroelastic wellbore stability model for mud weight design during dril

来源 :岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyunhu
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Drilling through chemically-active shale formations is of special importance due to time-dependent drilling fluid-shale interactions. The physical models presented so far include sophisticated input parameters, requiring advanced experimental facilities, which are costly and in most cases unavailable. In this paper, sufficiently-accurate, yet highly practical, models are presented containing parameters easilyderived from well-known data sources. For ion diffusivity coefficient, the chemical potential was formulated based on the functionality of water activity to solute concentration for common solute species in field. The reflection coefficient and solute diffusion coefficient within shale membrane were predicted and compared with experimental measurements. For thermally-induced fluid flow, a model was utilized to predict thermo-osmosis coefficient based on the energy of hydrogen-bond that attained a reasonably-accurate estimation from petrophysical data, e.g. porosity, specific surface area (SSA), and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The coupled chemo-thermo-poroelastic goving equations were developed and solved using an implicit finite difference scheme. Mogi-Coulomb failure criterion was adopted for mud weight required to avoid compressive shear failure and a tensile cut-off failure index for mud weight required to prevent tensile fracturing. Results showed a close agreement between the suggested model and experimental data from pressure transmission tests. Results from a numerical example for a vertical wellbore indicated that failure in shale formations was time-dependent and a failure at wellbore wall after 85 min of mud-shale interactions was predicted. It was concluded that instability might not firstly occur at wellbore wall as most of the conventional elastic models predict; perhaps it occurs at other points inside the formation. The effect of the temperature gradient between wellbore and formation on limits of mud window confirmed that the upper limit was more sensitive to the temperature gradient than the lower limit.
摘 要:本文对系统集成的要素与实现进行讨论,从界定系统集成概念出发,分析了系统集成的要素,并对其实现予以探讨,旨在为提高系统集成工作质量提供贡献。  关键词:系统集成;要素;系统集成实现  中图分类号:TP315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-7344(2018)33-0327-01  引 言  在当前,各类软件应用、硬件设备层出不穷,极大地促进了现代社会的发展。然而,在“协同效应”之下,将
【摘要】创新思维不管是在哪一个学习段对学生都是非常重要的,所以教师一定要注重学生的创新能力培养。在小学语文的学习中,创新思维显得尤为重要,尤其是体现在学生的写作过程中。本文主要分析了语文教师应该采用何种教学手段去提高学生的创新意识,希望能够对广大语文教师有所帮助。  【关键词】小学语文;创新素养;培养  【中图分类号】G623 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-0