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墨锭属于文房四宝之一。近年来,随着收藏门类的增多,曾是文人墨客必备品的墨锭,也被不少藏家关注,尤其是稀少的明、清老墨,收藏价值正连年升温。古墨收藏盛行于明代,一直为历代文人所推崇,到晚清民国达到极致。当代藏墨则主要集中在20世纪70至90年代,但从1997年开始走下坡路,一直到2007年后,古墨收藏开始反弹。如2005年左右,中国嘉德拍卖的康熙年间墨锭,多以4000元左右价格成交,而现在,这种康熙墨动辄上万元,甚至数万元。因近两年文房类藏品受热捧,也带动了古墨锭行情加快向上。南昌古墨藏家张先生介绍,如果只是纯粹追求投资收益,这些年古墨的回报率肯定不如瓷器、玉器、书画,但古墨收藏有文 Ink stick is one of the four treasures. In recent years, with the increase of collections, ink sticks, which were once indispensable to literati, have also attracted the attention of many collectors, especially the sparsely populated Ming and Qing dynasties. The collectible value is heating up year after year. Ancient ink collection prevailed in the Ming Dynasty, has been praised by literati of all ages, to the extreme late Qing Dynasty. Contemporary Tibetan ink is mainly concentrated in the 70s to 90s of the 20th century, but from the beginning of 1997 downhill, until 2007, the ancient ink collection began to rebound. Such as around 2005, China Guardian auction during the Reign of Inkwell, more than 4,000 yuan price clinchs a deal, and now, this Kangxi ink at ten thousand yuan, even tens of thousands of yuan. Due to the recent two-year collection of genre hot items, but also led to the ancient ink market to accelerate up. Zhang Nan, an ancient ink collector in Nanchang, introduced that if only sheer pursuit of investment returns, the return rate of ancient ink in these years will certainly be inferior to porcelain, jade, calligraphy and painting,
The microstructures and electrochemical properties of LaNi3.8-xAlx (x=0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3 and 0.4) alloys were studied systematically. The microstructures were iden
《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》(中国结合医学杂志)是由中国中西医结合学会、中国中医科学院主办的国际性学术期刊,旨在促进结合医学及替代医学的国际交流,及
但如果明星自己宣布出轨,那就是两回事了。问题是有哪个明星会好死不死地自己承认移情别恋这种事情呢?无独有偶,刚刚拿到了澳网冠军的李娜便是如此。  这位中国的网球一姐一向以敢战亦敢言著称,但放这种狠话还是过分了吧,此前没听说李娜有什么绯闻,会不会是谣言?全世界人民都听到了啊。  “我终于可以得到他了。(Finally I can get her)”1月25日,李娜获得澳大利亚网球公开赛冠军之后,发表感
The Editorial Board of theJournal of Chinese Integrative Medicine(JCI M)wishes to thank the following scientists for their unique contribution to JCI Min review
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