Modified maximum likelihood registration based on information fusion

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:astanaZH
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The bias estimation of passive sensors is considered based on information fusion in multi-platform multi- sensor tracking system.The unobservable problem of bearing-only tracking in blind spot is analyzed.A modified maximum likelihood method,which uses the redundant information of multi-sensor system to calculate the target position,is investigated to estimate the biases.Monte Carlo simulation results show that the modified method eliminates the effect of unobservable problem in the blind spot and can estimate the biases more rapidly and accurately than maximum likelihood method.It is statistically efficient since the standard deviation of bias estimation errors meets the theoretical lower bounds. The bias estimation of passive sensors is considered based on information fusion in multi-platform multi- sensor tracking system. The unobservable problem of bearing-only tracking in blind spot is analyzed. A modified maximum likelihood method, which uses the redundant information of multi- sensor system to calculate the target position, is investigated to estimate the biases. Monte Carlo simulation results show that the modified method eliminates the effect of unobservable problem in the blind spot and can estimate the biases more rapidly and accurately than the maximum likelihood method. It is is statistically efficient since the standard deviation of bias estimation errors meets the theoretical lower bounds.
本项目以策勒国家野外观测研究站的荒漠综合试验场为研究基地,以生长在塔南区域的疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia Shap.)(以下简称“骆驼刺”)为研究对象,对不同水分条件下骆
金钗石斛(Dendrobium nobile Lind1)是我国重要的药用石斛之一,同时也具有很高的观赏价值。本论文以金钗石斛的种子播种,原球茎进行增殖分化,进一步壮苗生根,期望建立适合于金钗