
来源 :地下空间与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huaihuaitaizi
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某深大基坑工程采用主楼顺作、裙房逆作的总体施工方案。基于实测数据,对裙房逆作深大基坑工程的围护墙变形性状及影响因素作了深入分析。分析结果表明:首层开挖时,在东、北两侧基坑盆边预留土堤尺寸较大的条件下,盆中土方开挖所引起的墙体侧移也较为可观;围护墙平均最大侧移与开挖深度的比值为0.262%;各阶段围护墙侧移增量最大值发生位置的深度与开挖面之下的土层硬度相关,当开挖深度达15.7 m以后,因开挖面之下的土层变硬,侧移增量最大值发生的位置都在开挖面之上;基坑边角附近存在显著的空间效应,且基坑的角部空间效应随基坑角部的角度增大而减小,当基坑角部角度达110°时,基坑角部的空间效应不明显;在一定的开挖深度条件下,墙体侧移随开挖深度的增加而增大,但当开挖宽度达到一定值后,墙体侧移将不随开挖宽度的增加而增大;施工场地大门出入口处的墙体侧移受车辆动载的影响较大。 A deep foundation pit works using the main building Shunzuo, podium inverted for the overall construction program. Based on the measured data, the deformation characters and influential factors of the retaining wall of the deep foundation pit with the podium inversely acting as the foundation are analyzed in depth. The analysis results show that the side wall displacement caused by the earthwork excavation in the basin is also considerable when the size of the embankment reserved in the basin on the east and north sides is larger under the excavation of the first floor; The ratio of the average maximum lateral displacement to the excavation depth is 0.262%; the depth of the maximum increment of the lateral displacement of the retaining wall at each stage is related to the hardness of the soil under the excavation surface; when the excavation depth reaches 15.7 m, Due to the hardening of the soil under the excavation surface, the position where the increment of maximum lateral displacement occurs is above the excavation surface; there is a significant spatial effect near the edge of the foundation pit and the spatial effect of the corner of the foundation pit with the foundation When the angle of foundation pit reaches 110 °, the space effect at the corner of foundation pit is not obvious. Under a certain excavation depth, the lateral displacement of the wall varies with the excavation depth However, when the excavation width reaches a certain value, the lateral displacement of the wall will not increase with the increase of the excavation width. The lateral displacement of the wall at the gate entrance of the construction site is greatly affected by the vehicle dynamic load.
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文章从学生仿写出现的偏差谈起,先介绍单纯模仿内容极易出现的问题,然后分析只是模仿语言带来的尴尬,最后就模仿形式进行相关探讨。 The article starts with the deviation
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胡适是一位在政治上偏右的自由主义者 ,他虽然不赞成蒋介石和国民党的独裁政策 ,但更不赞成革命 ,他对孙中山的革命政策就不赞成 ,更不赞成共产党的革命路线。在抗日战争胜利