来源 :北京周报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alanhoo
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As the govment mobilizes medical personnel and resources from all over the country to reinforce the work of doctors and nurses in Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak in Hubei Province, central China, a team from the southwest province of Sichuan is working around the clock at the Wuhan Red Cross Hospital to treat patients.
From the onset of the pneumonia caused the by the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, Hubei Province in central China, in late 2019, people have been trying to unravel
The growth, scale and scope of the novel coronavirus outbreak in China has be-come one of the most talked about global subjects.
For almost a month, China has been engaged in a heroic fight against the novel coronavirus. While the problem is principally in Hubei Province in central China
For Lant Festival, which fell on Februaryis 8this year, the Palace Museum in Beijing, the imperial palace built 600 years ago and a famed tourist destination si
Strrategic emerging industries are flour-ishing as China advances economic transformation and upgrading, injecting new impetus into high-quality development.
A 21-hour work schedule is the new normal for Zhang Wenhong, a leading infectious disease expert in Shanghai who has been in the forefront of many medical battl
I was in Thailand during the Lunar New Year holiday when the news of the spread of the novel coronavirus in China really started heating up. I still had another
Two bags of brochures, disposable gloves, masks and pens were what Zhang Yingxia and two volunteers were equipped with as they began their daily work in Xingshe