
来源 :农家女 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daguofan
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主持人问:你弹钢琴的动力是什么?郑桂桂回答:是为了得到人们的尊重。“我要上春晚”是中央电视台的一档大型综艺节目,以嘉宾表演时现场火爆、热烈著称。“然而2010年12月25日晚那期节目中,当一位20岁女孩娴熟地演奏起钢琴曲《童年的回忆》时,现场却一改往日火爆、热烈的气氛,不但极其安静,而且很多观众掩面而泣,连”久经沙场“的评委潘长江、李玉玲、金玉婷也热泪盈眶。女孩演奏结 Moderator Q: What is the power of playing the piano? Zheng Gui-kui answer: It is to get people’s respect. ”I want to be on the Spring Festival Evening “ is a large variety show of CCTV, with guests performing live hot, warm known. However, during the show on the evening of December 25, 2010, when a 20-year-old girl skillfully played the piano song ”Memories of a Child,“ the scene was changed to a hot, warm atmosphere, which was not only extremely quiet, but also Many of the audience hide their faces and weep, even ”long experience" judge Pan Changjiang, Li Yuling, Jin Yuting also tears.
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