Over the Town 《飞越小镇》

来源 :英语世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyanjie123456
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  Over the Town (oil on canvas, 45 cm × 56 cm, 1918) shows Chagall and his wife flying above Vitebsk, which is a small town where he grew up. Chagall is holding his wife close as she waves one hand open through the air. The homes below them are all the same color, except for one red house in the background. There are also wooden fences present around most of the homes. The sky is more of a white than a blue and both people are wearing darker clothes to make them stand out among all the light colors.
   Chagall enjoyed creating pieces that showed him and his wife, Bella Rosenfeld Chagall, flying around in the air. Over the Town is a celebration of their love and how they became unified as a couple once married.
   That’s how Chagall’s fiancée, Bella, remembered the elation of their engagement:
  I suddenly felt as if we were taking off. You too were poised on one leg, as if the little room could no longer contain you. You soar up to the ceiling. Your head turned down to me, and I turned mine up to you... We flew over fields of flowers, shuttered houses, roofs, yards, churches.
   Over the Town is currently located at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia.                                                                    ■
  Top 10 Most Common Errors by English Learners (1)
  1. Articles
  Indefinite and definite articles, or “a,” “an” and “the” as they are more commonly known, are difficult for even native English learners to keep straight. “The” is only used when you’re talking about something that is known to both the writer and the reader, while “a” or “an” can be referring to anything. Confusing indeed. Additionally, “an” is only used before a vowel. Yet, why do you say an hour but a horse? (“An” is used before a vowel sound, even if it’s not actually a vowel.)
  2. Mass nouns
  These are nouns that act “singular” but refer to more than one thing. A family or group is made up of more than one person, but functions like a single unit in sentences. Other often confused mass nouns are advice, news, garbage and water.
  3. Adverbs vs. Adjectives
  Confused by many native English speakers as well, English learners often mix up adverbs and adjectives. Well is an adverb, good is an adjective. So technically you ran well but your run was good and the test was good but went well.
  4. Prepositions
  These are difficult in every language because every language uses them a bit differently. In English, “IN” is used both for closed spaces and periods of time, “AT” is used for a specific time or place and “ON” is used to describe the surface something is on or a day.
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编者按:2021年,教育部基础教育外语教学指导专业委员会成立,作为教育部教指委下设的专家组织,致力于配合、协助教指委围绕基础教育外语教学改革与质量提升开展教学指导工作等。为贯彻落实外指委重点任务,结合2021年工作重点,外指委于《英语学习》杂志开设专栏,旨在搭建学术交流平台,引领改革的方向。  为更好地使广大基础外语教育工作者了解外指委的愿景与使命,《英语学习》对外指委主任委员王蔷老师进行了专访,
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