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广电行业一直被认为是信息化推进中的最后一块“处女地”,也是一块诱人的蛋糕。近几年广电数字化是发展的一个人大趋势,方正数字媒体事业部执行副总吴中海谈到这个问题时说:“广电数字化是这两、三年开始的,可能要有人将它归结为整个 IT 产业发展的推动,毕竟广电行业需要像方正数煤这样为它们发展提供软、硬件设备和解决方案的公司,但是在我看来,广电本身像一艘巨型航母,没人撼动的了它,除了它自己!”吴总认为,广电行业数字化改造要经历三个阶段,信号源改造、化输网改造、接收端改造。目前大部分广电企业处于第一阶段,也就是数字节目制作和播出的数字化,这也是方正数煤核心业务所在,它在最近三年推出帮助广电实现采编播一体化的解决方案,比如方正无限非线性编辑系统、方正天工虚拟布景系统、数字播控系统、新闻业务管理系统等,核心业务就是协助电台电视台完成电视节目的制作和播出。在今后的3年内,节 The broadcasting and television industry has always been regarded as the last “virgin land” in informationization and an attractive cake. In recent years, the digitization of radio and television has been a major trend in development. Wu Zhonghai, executive vice president of Founder’s Digital Media Division, spoke of this issue: “The digitization of radio and television is the beginning of the two or three years, and it may require someone to attribute it to the entire IT. After the development of the industry, the broadcasting and TV industry needs companies like Fang Zhengmei to provide hardware and software equipment and solutions for their development. However, in my opinion, SVA itself is like a giant aircraft carrier. No one has shaken it except. It’s own!” Wu said, the digital transformation of the broadcasting and TV industry has to go through three stages: signal source reconstruction, transformation of the transmission network, and transformation of the receiving end. At present, most of the broadcasting and TV companies are in the first stage, which is the digitalization of digital program production and broadcasting. This is where Founder’s core business is located. It has launched a solution to help broadcast and television integration in the last three years. For example, Fang Zhenghuan Non-linear editing system, Fang Zheng Tiangong virtual set system, digital broadcast control system, news business management system, etc., the core business is to assist radio and television stations to complete the production and broadcast of television programs. In the next 3 years, the festival
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