
来源 :环境化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghostwazy
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研究了离子强度和SO2 - 4对土壤吸附Al的影响 ,结果表明 :在所研究的pH范围内 ,随着NaCl支持电解质浓度的提高 ,土壤对Al的吸附量基本保持不变 ,并且当pH <3 9时 ,即土壤表面净电荷为正时 ,土壤对Al的吸附量仍然很大 ,超过最大吸附量的 5 0 % ,而用CaCl2 作支持电解质时 ,当pH <4 5时 ,在溶液中CaCl2 浓度最高的情况下 ,Al的吸附量最小 ,在其余两种浓度条件下则基本相等 ;当pH >4 5时 ,Al的吸附量几乎不受CaCl2 浓度变化的影响 .SO2 - 4的加入对土壤吸附Al没有影响 .这些都说明土壤吸附Al的作用机制主要为专性吸附 . The effects of ionic strength and SO2 - 4 on the adsorption of Al on soil were studied. The results showed that the adsorption capacity of Al on the soil remained unchanged with the increase of the concentration of supporting electrolyte in the investigated pH range. When pH < When the net charge on the soil surface is positive, the amount of Al adsorbed by the soil is still large, exceeding 50% of the maximum adsorption capacity. When CaCl2 is used as the supporting electrolyte, when the pH is less than 45, When the concentration of CaCl2 was the highest, the adsorption capacity of Al was the smallest, and the adsorption capacity of Al was almost the same under the other two concentrations. The adsorption capacity of Al was almost unaffected by the concentration of CaCl2 when pH> Soil adsorption of Al has no effect, which shows that the main mechanism of soil adsorption of Al is specific adsorption.
因小儿“脾常不足”,所以 ,腹泻是儿科临床极为常见的疾病之一。而小儿腹泻中又以虚寒性腹泻最为常见 ,笔者根据小儿生理病理特点 ,在古方基础上自拟益黄止泻汤 ,并加减治疗
The detrital modes of the sandstones from the south basin of Dabie(大别) orogenic belt during the Early-Middle Jurassic are complex due to multiple supplying.De
Hack’s law was originally derived from basin statistics for varied spatial scales and regions. The exponent value of the law has been shown to vary between 0.4
我科于 1997年 9月~ 1998年 12月采用中药敷脐加推拿治疗小儿腹泻 ,取得满意效果 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 :1997年 9月~ 1998年 12月我科的住院患儿共 72例 ,西
我院小儿外科1987年1月至1996年1月共收治21例尿道外伤后狭窄患儿,现将诊治结果报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:本组男18例,女3例,年龄2812~13岁。受伤至住院时间为1月至