Enlightenment From Motivation In Foreign Language Learning

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  【Abstract】This paper selects one of classifications of motivation in foreign language learning,that is,instrumental and integrative motivation.By analyzing such a distinction,it hopes to direct foreign language teaching in China.
  【Key words】instrumental motivation; integrative motivation; second language learning; second language teaching; teachers; learners
  1.Instrumental Motivation and Integrative Motivation
  Motivation is commly thought of as an inner drive,impulse,emotion,or desire that moves one to a particular action(Brown,1987:114).It seems to be the case that if we perceive a goal(that is something we wish to achieve) and if that goal is sufficiently attractive,we will be strongly motivated to do whatever is necessary to reach that goal.However,there is some slight difference between goal and motivation.Goal is the certain result which one wants to reach,while the motivation is a kind of factor to explain why one wants to reach that goal.(王旭东:1)
  As suggested by Gardner and Lambert,a student is said to be instrumentally motivated ‘ if the purposes of language study reflect the more utilitarian value of linguistic achievement,such as getting ahead in one’s occupation’ and he is said to be integratively motivated ‘if he wishes to learn more about the other cultural community because he is interested in it in an open-minded way,to the point of eventually being accepted as a member of that other group ’(Gardner and Lambert,1972:3).That is to say,instrumental motivation refers to motivation to acquire a language as means for attaining instrumental goals:furthering a career,reading technical material,travel,translation,and so forth(Brown,1987:114-117).While,integrative motivation refers to the desire to learn a language to integrate successfully into the target language community.
  2.Different Requirements Of The Two Types In Classroom Of China
  As we have talked about,the two types,instrumental motivation and integrative motivation,are different in their goals.In China today the main motivation for learning the majority of foreign language is clearly instrumental.Learners hope to benefit personally,in terms of their later career in China,from their knowledge of the foreign language.But the motivation for learning some languages,especially American English,may also have an integrative aspect for some Chinese learners,who identify very strongly within an often idealized picture of the foreign language culture(马丁·韦德尔,1998:200-202).I group foreign language learning in China into three categories.One is more instrumental; the other is more integrative; the third is a mixture of both.   The first is more instrumental.Learners,here,may make efforts to learn a foreign language for some functional reason-to pass an examination,to get a better job,or to get a place at university.For example,in settings where learners are motivated to learn a foreign language because in opens up educational and economic opportunities for them(Rod Ellis,2000:75-76).In Dalian,LiaoNing Province of China,a school,named Dalian International Maple School,has been founded to meet such a need.In that school,all subjects,such as Chinese,geometry,algebra,physics,chemistry,are taught in English.Because all these students will directly go abroad for further education after graduation from this senior high school.Students with such an instrumental motivation are eager to enjoy a situation like the real one in China.All is input and output in English whenever in class or after class.
  The second group is more integrative.These learners may choose to learn a particular foreign language because they are interested in the people and culture represented by the target language group.So,in class,those learners wish to learn more the target language culture,history,customs,people,etc.They pay less attention to the grammar of the language.And they learn words through the target language culture,not through memorizing mechanically.All these is done in order that learners will be accepted as one member and then finally join in it.
  The last one is a mixture of both.Here,by this classification,I mean that one classroom as a whole cannot be said more instrumental or more integrative.In fact,it consists of the two types,some more instrumental while others more integrative.For example,I have ever taken part in one French class of the fourth grade in a certain University,where students are English major.During their last year before graduation,some students are busy with preparing for the graduate admission examination; others are with applying for a job.So,they have different requirements in the foreign language class.The former wants the teacher to explain more grammar,rules,usage of words which are basic skills to cope with examination.However,the latter wishes to learn more culture about France.The contradiction arises.The efficient way to solve the problem for the teacher is to search the balance so as to satisfy learners’different demands.
  Teachers,therefore,may need to discern learners’motivation,or at least be sufficiently aware of the learners’motivation in order to meet particular,possibly specialized,needs.Then teachers can think about the course syllabus,materials,contents and teaching techniques,or even facilities.   Specifically speaking,in one classroom where learners are all more instrumental,the teacher should put emphasis on practical aspect of this kind of foreign language according to learners’instrumental goal.For example,if the instrumental reason is to pass an examination,the grammar and words are in a position of predominance; if it is to travel,then the introduction of scenic spots; etc.On the other hand,in one classroom where learners are all more integrative,the teacher should broaden learners’view,strengthen their recognition and deepen their understanding of the target language culture.As time goes by,learners have accumulated all kinds of knowledge about that nation.Finally,they integrate themselves with it.
  The most challenging classroom is one as we have talked about as the third group.Maybe,in order to gain such a balance,the teacher should connect the two types of motivation.During the course of class,the teacher may explain in detail the rules of grammar and the usages of words within a text about the target language culture.Then from the point of learners,they may select what they want.
  Identifying what it is that learners hope to gain from their foreign language learning is essential.Any foreign language teaching must be responsive to their purposes for learning the language.Of course,since motivation is dynamic in nature,our language teaching will always be changing and continually improving.
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  [2]H.Douglas Brown.Principles of Language Learning and Teaching[M].San Francisco State University,1987:114-117.
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  [5]Rod Ellis.第二语言习得[M].上海外语教育出版社,2000:75-76.
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  [8]王旭东.Motivation In Foreign Language Learning[J].1995,1,28.
【摘要】在对外商贸过程中,英语交流是一种极为普遍的交流方式,运用委婉的表达法不仅体现了一个人的基本素养,也为以后更好的交际与合作奠定了基础。委婉的表达法 逐渐成为商贸谈判中的一大技巧和实现合作共赢的重要手段。本文主要通过对外商贸中的语用功能和 语法功能进行分析。  【关键词】对外商贸英语 委婉表达法 商务洽谈  随着经济全球化的到来,对外商贸逐渐成为一种发展趋势,社会各界人士纷纷参与到对外商贸这个
2018年8月22日至24日,全省各级人大常委会主任学习会在杭州举行。省委书记、省人大常委会主任车俊强调——  车俊强调,全省各级人大要自觉践行习近平总书记赋予浙江“干在实处永无止境,走在前列要谋新篇,勇立潮头方显担当”的新期望,进一步提高政治站位、强化使命担当,以更大力度推进人大工作与时俱进、创新发展、继续走在前列。  车俊指出,做好任何工作包括做好人大工作,必须清醒认识形势、准确把握大势、积极
人性需要有群体归属感,不参与这类活动很容易被贴上不合群、孤僻等标签。因此,人性的弱点也是营销的一个要素,就如同有人宁肯啃咸菜省钱买LV一个道理……  不久前钟总找我帮忙看一个关于内裤的销售方案,大致内容是通过微信销售,招募几千个想创业的大学生卖内裤,代销或者分销模式,有前三名奖励。我首先否定了这个方案可行度:  第一,内裤虽然是必需品但是并不稀缺,淘宝网上七匹狼、南极人等品牌的内裤也不过10元一条
【摘要】英语主要通过缀合法派生构词,汉语也有类似于英语的前后缀,但数量极少,主要通过单纯词复合构成复合词。本文通过对比这两种语言的构词方式,旨在从词汇形态角度说明汉语是分析型语言,英语是综合型语言。  【关键词】词缀 派生 复合  【Abstract】English words can be formed through adding prefix or suffix to the root.Ch