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1994年3月5日,国家颁布了《台湾同胞投资保护法》(以下简称《保护法》),《保护法》的出台标志着祖国大陆在吸引、利用台资方面形成了由全国人大专项立法,国务院行政法规和可参照的有关经济法规组成的法律法规体系。为了加强《保护法》的可操作性,提高台商自觉运用法律保障自身的合法权益,外经贸部正抓紧制定《台湾同胞投资保护法实施条例》。(以下简称《条例》)有关部门在广泛征求包括台湾工商界人士在内的各方面意见的基础上,对实施条例迸行了多次修改。既将出台的《条例》,引起大陆台商和台湾方面人士的广泛关注。各种说法纷呈。归结起来有以下二个方面: On March 5, 1994, the State promulgated the Law on the Protection of Taiwan’s Peoples Investment (hereinafter referred to as the “Protection Law”). The promulgation of the “Protection Law” marked the formation of the special legislation of the NPC that attracted and utilized Taiwan’s capital by the motherland. , The State Council administrative regulations and may refer to the laws and regulations related to economic laws and regulations. In order to strengthen the maneuverability of the “Protection Law” and improve the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan businessmen who conscientiously use laws to protect themselves, MOFTEC is working hard to formulate the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Law Governing the Protection and Investment of Taiwan Compatriots.” (Hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) on the basis of extensive solicitation of opinions from various sectors including the business community in Taiwan, several amendments have been made to the implementing regulations. Both the promulgation of the “Regulations” have aroused the widespread concern of Taiwanese businessmen in Taiwan and those in Taiwan. Various arguments are numerous. To sum up the following two aspects:
大英图书馆年久失修,有关部门在另外一个地方建了个新图书馆。这一年,新馆建成了,要把老馆的书搬到新址去。按预算,搬家费至少需要350万英镑, The British Library was disr
3月10日星期六小雨今天,我们一家人看了《道德观察》这个节目,我和姐姐看完之后都哭了。今天节目中的主人公是雪莲,她很漂亮,但也很不幸。7岁时,雪莲得了重 Saturday, March
忽然,有一位小弟弟鼻子流血了,他坐在地上哭了。大家的眼光转向了这位小弟弟。我和小伙伴把他扶了起来,并说:“别哭,不要紧,马上会好的! Suddenly, a little brother blew h
老师的眼睛像宝镜,明亮又神奇。你看,它能照出我心里想的是什么。老师的眼睛像月亮,当我进步的时候,月儿柔柔的,照得我心里痒痒的,舒服极了。 The teacher's eyes like a tr
制作材料:冰淇淋盒(hé) 2个,奶盒杯1个,瓶盖和牙膏(gāo)盖各1个,纸盘1个,白猫洗洁精瓶1个,泡沫板1块,双面胶1卷,502胶水1小瓶。制作方法:(1)按图(一)所示,把杯子的上下各放