Evaluation and Preprocess of Chinese Fengyun-3A Sea Surface Temperature Experimental Product for Dat

来源 :Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyalil
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Validated satellite-derived sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are widely used for climate monitoring and ocean data assimilation systems. In this study, the Fengyun-3A (FY-3A) SST experimental product is evaluated using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)-merged and in situ SSTs. A comparison of AVHRR-merged SSTs reveals a negative bias of more than 2K in FY-3A SSTs in most of the tropical Pacific and low-latitude Indian and Atlantic Oceans. The error variance of FY-3A SSTs is estimated using three-way error analysis. FY-3A SSTs show regional error variance in global oceans with a maximum error variance of 2.2 K in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, a significant seasonal variation of error variance is present in FY-3A SSTs, which indicates that the quality of FY-3A SST could be improved by adjusting the parameters in the SST retrieval algorithm and by applying regional and seasonal algorithms, particularly in key areas such as the tropical Pacific Ocean. An objective analysis method is used to merge FY-3A SSTs with the drifter buoy data. The errors of FY-3A SSTs are decreased to-0.45K comparing with SST observations from GTSPP. Validated satellite-derived sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are widely used for climate monitoring and ocean data assimilation systems. In this study, the Fengyun-3A (FY-3A) SST experimental product is evaluated using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) - merged and in situ SSTs. A comparison of AVHRR-merged SSTs reveals a negative bias of more than 2K in FY-3A SSTs in the most of the tropical Pacific and low-latitude Indian and Atlantic Oceans. The error variance of FY-3A SSTs is estimated using three-way error analysis. FY-3A SSTs show regional error variance in global oceans with a maximum error variance of 2.2 K in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, a significant seasonal variation of error variance is present in FY-3A SSTs, which indicates that the quality of FY-3A SST could be improved by adjusting the parameters in the SST retrieval algorithm and by applying regional and seasonal algorithms, particularly in key areas such as the tropical Pacific Ocean. An objective analysis The methods of used to merge FY-3A SSTs with the drifter buoy data. The errors of FY-3A SSTs are decreased to-0.45K comparing with SST observations from GTSPP.
摘要:在英语课堂教学中,英语语感一直是至关重要的课题。城市初中英语的课堂教学在培养学生语感方面做得很好,但在大多数农村中学,学生语感方面的培养还很薄弱。本文首先简单论述了英语语感的定义,接着说明农村初中英语课堂教学语感培养的现状以及英语语感的培养在初中英语教学中所发挥的重要意义,最后提出了在农村初中课堂教学中培养学生良好的英语语感的方法。  关键词:英语语感;农村初中;课堂教学;听说读写;培养方法
摘要:培智学校的学生具有特殊性,其理解能力、思维能力相对来说偏低,这也就导致了培智学校教师要花费更多的精力和时间来帮助学生理解、掌握所学知识,而学生也将面临更多的学习困难。表现在数学学习中,培智学校的学生更加缺乏积极性,学习难度更大。因此,教师要根据智障学生的生理特点和现有的生活经验,实践数学生活化。本文通过生活化问题情境和生活化课堂环节分析培智学校数学生活化教学,促进智障学生成长。  关键词:培
摘要:微课作为一种新型的教学方式,相比于传统的课堂教学方式,存在弊端,但也有明显的优点。教师在微课的制作中,应扬长避短,做到目标高度明确,内容紧扣目标;结构完整,资源高度整合;同时必须以学生为主体,做到“场上无学生,心中有学生”。完成后要及时反馈信息,做出修改,并做好反思。  关键词:目标明确;结构完整;以学生为主;反思  中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2
SVLBI (space very long baseline interferometry) has some important potential applications in geodesy and geodynam- ics, for which one of the most difficult task
To obtain higher accurate position estimates, the stochastic model is estimated by using residual of observations, hence, the stochastic model describes the noi
摘要:由于聋生自身的生理缺陷,以及学校、家庭、社会等原因所造成的聋生品德问题日趋严重。有效地培养聋生良好的思想品德已是当务之急。因此,笔者经过多年实践,使用“快乐教学”培养聋生的思想品德,使聋生在快乐学习的过程中吸取知识、获得能力、端正思想。  关键词:快乐教学;聋生;思想品德;培養  中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)12-0017  “快乐教学”
An algorithm (differential mode) is presented for the improvement of harmonic tidal analysis along T/P tracks, in which the differences between the observed sea