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据中国海关总署公布的数据,2000年1月份共进口大豆301642吨,较去年同期增长518%;进口豆油79011吨;进口豆粕13004吨,同比减少917%;进口菜籽粕4608吨。1月份出口大豆10372吨,同比减少127%;出口豆油6918吨;出口豆粕1966吨,同比增长829%;出口菜籽粕130517吨1月份我国共进口大豆30余 According to data released by the General Administration of Customs of China, a total of 301,642 tons of soybean were imported in January 2000, an increase of 518% over the same period of last year; imported 79,011 tons of soybean oil and 1,300 tons of soybean meal imports, a decrease of 917% from the same period of last year; and 4608 tons of imported rapeseed meal. In January exports of soybean 10372 tons, down 127%; exports of 6918 tons of soybean oil; export 1966 tons of soybean meal, an increase of 829%; exports of rapeseed meal 130517 tons in January China imported a total of more than 30 soybean
SPARKICE 在素有“中国硅谷”美誉的中关村南端入口处,有大陆第一家咖啡屋。 在推动“中国电子商务”大潮的新纪元龙年到来时,有一个“网络信息增值服务”的品牌——实华开
中国电子商务,尤如春天的桃李,树叶尚未挂绿,枝条刚刚从冬眼中苏醒,却已是苞蕾亮红、鲜花吐艳了。 China’s e-commerce, just as the spring peaches and plums, have not
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Nonionizing energy loss(NIEL) has been applied to a number of studies concerning displacement damage effects in materials and devices. However, most studies con
1999年 ,伊盟全年共办理出口产品退税1 16亿元 ,首次突破亿元大关 ,对伊盟地方经济发展起到了积极促进作用。随着改革开放的不断深入 ,伊盟的出口企业从1994年的2户 ,出口产品退税只有5000万