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当前,我国正处于加快结构调整,推进产业升级的关键时期,面对全球外资并购浪潮的冲击,机遇与挑战并存。通过外资并购方式吸引更多的外资,引进先进技术和管理方法,特别是使国内企业更加紧密地融入世界经济发展大潮中,对提高国内企业在国际市场上的竞争能力具有重要意义。外资并购是近年来逐渐兴起的一种FDI(外商直接投资)方式,相比直接设厂的FDI方式而言,股权并购的成本和风险更低,对并购后的市场预期也更加清晰,因而颇受外资青睐。但是,看了下面的数据,可能多少会有些其它感觉了。国务院发展研究中心的一份研究报告指出,在中国已开放的产业中,每个产业中排名前5名的企业几乎都由外资控制:中国28个主要产业中,外资在21个产业中拥有多数资产控制权。比如玻璃行业,该行业中最大的五家企业已全部合资;占全国产量80%以上的最大的5家电梯生产厂家,已经由外商控股;18家国家级定点家电企业中,11家与外商合资;化妆品行业被150家外资企业控制着;20%的医药行业在外资手中;汽车行业销售额的90%来自国外品牌。据国家工商总局调查,电脑操作系统、软包装产品、感光材料、子午线轮胎、手机等行业,外 At present, our country is in a crucial period of accelerating structural adjustment and promoting industrial upgrading. In the face of the global wave of foreign M & A, both opportunities and challenges coexist. Attracting more foreign investment through the M & A of foreign capital and introducing advanced technologies and management methods, in particular, bringing domestic enterprises into the tide of world economic development more closely is of great significance to enhancing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises in the international market. Foreign direct investment (M & A) is an emerging FDI (foreign direct investment) approach that has been gradually emerging in recent years. The cost and risk of equity M & A is lower and the market expectation after M & A clearer than PPI Favored by foreign investors. However, after reading the following data, it may be somewhat more sensory. According to a research report by the State Council Development Research Center, out of the open industries in China, the top five companies in each industry are controlled by foreign capital: among the 28 major industries in China, foreign capital has a majority in 21 industries Asset control. For example, the glass industry, the largest of the five companies have all joint ventures; accounting for more than 80% of the country’s largest elevator manufacturers, has been controlled by foreign investors; 18 state-owned fixed-point home appliance enterprises, 11 joint ventures with foreign investors ; Cosmetic industry is controlled by 150 foreign-funded enterprises; 20% of the pharmaceutical industry in foreign hands; 90% of the automotive industry sales from foreign brands. According to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce survey, the computer operating system, flexible packaging products, photographic materials, radial tires, mobile phones and other industries, outside
目的:评价蒲元和胃胶囊联合三联方案治疗Hp 相关性胃炎(HpAG)或消化性溃疡(PU)的疗效与安全性.方法:计算机检索 PubMed、Embase、the Cochrane library、CNKI、Wanfang、Sino
为探讨噪声环境对作业工人心电图影响,我们对滕州市某纺织厂接触噪声的作业工人体检时,对现职243名职工进行了心电图检查,并对其作业环境进行了监测,现将结果报告如下: 一、