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西乡县的粮食收购工作,在开始时由于各级领导对收购粮食的政治义意认识不足,以及在调整地等、计征公粮等工作上化的力量较大,致使收购粮食工作进展很慢。至九月底县上为了扭转这一局面,曾召开了县区紧急动员会议,重新作了布置,讲清政策,教给办法,始引起各级领导的重视。县区先后亦组织大批力量在做好秋种的同时,由点到面逐乡展开粮食收购工作。截至十月底已获得一些成绩。第二区收购稻谷已完成全区任务的百分之九十强。全县购进小麦已达原任务的百分之三十六点三,稻谷达百分之三十二,杂粮达百分之六点七(杂粮收购的迟)。目前,县上正以第二区收购经验通报全县试行,并全面开展,要 The acquisition of food in Xixiang County started with the lack of understanding of the political will of the leaders at all levels in the acquisition of grain and the upward adjustment of the amount of grain due to the adjustment of land so that progress in the acquisition of grain was slow . By the end of September, in order to reverse this situation, the county convened an emergency mobilization meeting in the county area, rearranged it, clarified policies and taught methods, and at the very beginning led cadres at all levels to pay attention to it. Counties have also organized a large number of forces to make autumn species at the same time, from point to area Township to start the grain acquisition. Some results have been achieved as of the end of October. The second acquisition of rice has completed 90% of the task area. The county’s wheat purchases reached 36.3% of the original tasks, with rice reaching 32% and cereals 6.7% (late cereal grains acquisition). At present, the county is trying to inform the trial acquisition of the second district trial, and fully carry out, to
各自治州、市、县、自治县、特区、市辖区人民政府,各地区行署,省人民政府各工作部门: 我省编修社会主义新方志工作,自1980年开展以来,在省委、省人民政府的领导和各地各部
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