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杠杆传动式内径百分表因存在制造误差,以及使用后接触部位受磨损等,从而出现单向误差。笔者根据工作实践,欲对该项误差产生的原因及其消除方法作一介绍,供同行们参考。一、单向误差产生的原因 1.杠杆等臂但两臂不互相垂直当杠杆等臂而两臂夹角小于90°时产生正向误差。当杠杆等臂而两臂夹角大于90°时产生负向误差。 2.杠杆两臂互相垂直但不等臂当杠杆两臂互相垂直但横向臂小于纵向臂时产生负向误差。当横向臂大于纵向臂时将产生正向误差。 3.杠杆不等臂两臂又不互相垂直当横向臂小于或大于纵向臂、两臂夹角小于或大干90°时,产生的是互相抵偿后的部分单向误差,其值较小或趋于零。但横向臂大于纵向臂、两臂夹角小于90°时,将产生较大的正向误差。 Lever-driven inner diameter dial indicator due to manufacturing errors, and the use of contact parts by wear and tear, resulting in one-way error. According to the author’s work practice, the reasons for the error and its elimination method for an introduction for colleagues for reference. First, the one-way error causes 1. Lever arm, but the arms are not perpendicular to each other when the lever and other arms and arms angle less than 90 ° when the forward error. When the lever and other arms and arms angle greater than 90 ° when the negative error. Lever arms perpendicular to each other, but not equal to the arm When the lever arms perpendicular to each other but the transverse arm is less than the longitudinal arm when the negative error. When the transverse arm is greater than the longitudinal arm will produce a positive error. 3. Lever arm arm and not perpendicular to each other When the horizontal arm is less than or greater than the longitudinal arm, the angle between the arms is less than or greater than 90 °, resulting in mutual compensation after the one-way error, the value is small or Tends to zero. However, the transverse arm is larger than the longitudinal arm. When the angle between two arms is less than 90 °, a larger positive error will occur.
即使撇开那些令人惊叹的标签,将她简简单单地视为一名作家,她那些融合中国历史与私人叙事的自传体作品,今天看来依然堪称杰作。令人不得不感叹,传奇永远是传奇。  有这样一位女性,我们可以有很多种标签来认识她:    她出身不凡,父亲是中国第一代庚款留学生,母亲出身比利时贵族家庭。本来,她可以做一个安安静静的名媛,却选择在抗战时期回到中国,先是行医,后来又弃医从文。  由她作品改编的电影,获得三项奥斯卡大
如果不能建立适应中国市场状况的、可行的关于完善企业治理结构的细节和具体措施,即使更多的百富勤奇迹在中国市场上出现,也会有同样多的百富勤悲剧在中国市场上上演。 If w