Impact of Drying Methods on Wettability of Populus tomentosa

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong438
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Plantation poplar is one of the most important resources for wood industry, its utilization field is vast. The wettability of Populus tomentosa with different drying methods was judged by measurement of contact angle using distilled water in this paper. The results showed that the specimens from conventional drying have the biggest contact angle, and the air dried have the smallest contact angle, air dried lumbers have a better wettability than the kiln dried. The changes of contact angle in a period of time showed wettability sequence of lumber with different drying methods: air drying > high temperature drying > conventional drying. The basic property for high value-added plantation poplar lumber products was provided to the wood industry. The wettability of Populus tomentosa with different drying methods was judged by measurement of contact angle using distilled water in this paper. The results showed that the specimens from conventional the changes of contact angle in a period of time showed wettability sequence of lumber with different drying methods: air drying> high temperature drying> conventional drying. The basic property for high value-added plantation poplar lumber products was provided to the wood industry.
<正> 为在北京于1989年4月12至22日召开的伦敦经济学院和中国社会科学院第1次双边会议而作了本文。本文的目的在于对中国企业改革提出一些评述。农业改革已经获得明显的成就。由于我关心的是工业企业,本文将集中讨论1984年以后的中国企业改革问题。中国约有50万家工业企业,不包括乡镇及家庭企业在内。如果将后两种企业计算在内,其数字将为750万个。这些企业不但数量庞大,而且从所有制来看,形式很多,规模亦大小不一。国营企业及集体企业是主要的形式,这两者也是种类庞杂。集体企业与市场经济体制中的合作社
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特拉维夫大学经济系教授、以色列政府前经济顾问艾萨夫·瑞金在接受《金字塔报》经济记者的采访时透露,最近几年以来,以色列的失业率高达7.5%,10万多人找不到就业的机会。 瑞
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