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事由:根据中央统一财经决定我省财政会议关于几个具体问题的确定省直属各机关、赣西南行署、南昌市政府、各专署县政府:根据中央统一财经的决定,我省财政会议上具体确定:(一)粮库金库必须迅速健全。收款机关必须及时交库。下级金库,必须及时向上报解,任何入不依手续不得动用金库粮库之粮款,任何入不得向金库粮库借取粮款,如有违反,出借人与承借人均须受到处分。(二)凡过去已经动用之公粮公款,不论为接收品、税款、公粮、没收品、罚款等等,只要是大公家的东西,均须立即、迅速如数还清。并须按动用时市价折为折实牌价归还,如有迟误,本机关负责人与经手人,均须受到处分。反对经手机关擅自动 The reasons: According to the Central Committee of the unified financial decision of the province’s financial conference on the determination of a number of specific issues Provincial organs directly under the Southwest Administrative Office, Nanchang City, the prefectural government: According to the central financial decision, the specific decision of the provincial finance meeting : (A) The grain storage vault must be promptly sound. The receiving institution must deliver the goods promptly. The lower vault must be declared up in time. Anyone who enters the fare of the vault according to the formalities shall not be allowed to borrow food from the vault. Anyone who violates them shall be punished by both the lender and the borrower. (2) Where public funds in public places that have been used in the past are accepted, promptly and promptly, they should be paid promptly and in full if they are public goods, taxes, public money, confiscated goods, fines and so on. And shall be returned at the market price at the time of application at the marketable price. If there is any delay, the person in charge and the manager of the department shall be subject to punishment. Opposed to the handling authority unauthorized
本刊讯 (记者 郭海平)近日,受强降雨影响,广西柳江部分支流、浙江钱塘江上中游、江西乐安河等14条河流发生超警戒水位洪水,超警戒幅度0.01-4.43米.据预报,未来数日,华南江南
本刊讯 (记者秦保宁)日前,国务院新闻办举行新闻发布会,介绍8月份国民经济运行情况.“8月份社会消费品零售总额当月增速年内首次转正.”国家统计局新闻发言人付凌晖表示,食品
  通过营养液水培法,分析了三七根系对不同浓度镉胁迫的响应机制.研究结果表明,0,25,50和100μmol/L CdCl2处理24小时后,三七根中富集的镉呈显著性上升的趋势,且2 ′,7′-
【摘要】本文围绕ESP课程体系,通过对地方本科高校大学英语教学进行问卷调查、个别访谈和比较研究,分析当前地方本科高校大学英语教学体系中存在的问题,为地方本科高校实施ESP课程等教学体系改革提供真实可靠的信息资料和针对性的改革建议。  【关键词】地方本科高校 英语教学体系 ESP课程 调查研究  【中图分类号】H319【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)41-0093-02 
  Rubber plantations have been expanding dramatically in the past decades in Southeast Asia,especially in the northern border of tropical zone like Xishuangba
川办发[1995]160号《四川省地方志编纂委员会机构编制方案》经省机构编制委员会办公室审核,省机构改革领导组、省机构编制委员会审定,省政府批准,现予印发。 Sichuan Offi