Large spot size and low-divergence angle operation of 917-nm edge-emitting semiconductor laser with

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgm_19780916
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GaInAs/AlGaAs comprehensive-strained three-quantum-well lasers with asymmetric waveguide are designed and optimized. With this design, the optical field in the transverse direction is extended, and a semiconductor laser with large spot is obtained. For a 300-μm cavity length and 100-μm aperture device under continuous wave (CW) operation, the measured vertical and horizontal far-field divergence angles are 12.2° and 3.0°, respectively. The slope efficiency is 0.44 W/A and the lasing wavelength is 917 nm.The equivalent transverse spot size is 3 μm for the fundamental transverse mode, which is a sufficiently large value for the purpose of coupling and manipulation of light. GaInAs / AlGaAs comprehensive-strained three-quantum-well lasers with asymmetric waveguide are designed and optimized. With this design, the optical field in the transverse direction is extended, and a semiconductor laser with large spot is obtained. For a 300-μm cavity length and 100-μm aperture device under continuous wave (CW) operation, the measured vertical and horizontal far-field divergence angles are 12.2 ° and 3.0 °, respectively. The slope efficiency is 0.44 W / A and the lasing wavelength is 917 nm. The equivalent transverse spot size is 3 μm for the fundamental transverse mode, which is a large value for the purpose of coupling and manipulation of light.
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