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建构主义认为,学习能力是与生俱来的。学习是在一定的社会文化情景中通过参与活动,与他人交往而实现意义建构的过程。因此,我们有理由认为:每个学生都是积极的探究者和知识构建者;学生原有的知识经验是新知识的生长基点;学生的需求、兴趣和自主情感是有效学习的内部基础;学生的英语技能不是靠“老师教给”的,而是他们在参与学习活动过程中“学会”的。改变学生的学习方式,发展学生的自主学习能力,使学生终身获益,是世界性的话题,也是当前英语课 Constructivism believes that learning ability is inherent. Learning is the process of constructing meaning through participation in activities and interaction with others in a certain social and cultural context. Therefore, we have reason to believe that: each student is an active investigator and knowledge builder; students ’original knowledge experience is the basis of new knowledge growth; students’ needs, interests and autonomous emotions are the internal basis of effective learning; students English skills are not taught by “teacher ”, but rather they “learn ” in the process of participating in learning activities. Changing student learning styles, developing students’ autonomous learning skills and benefiting students for life is a worldwide topic as well as an ongoing English lesson
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