沧海横流 方显英雄本色——诸云波与瓯海房地产总公司

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诸云波,温州市瓯海区房地产开发总公司党支部书记、总经理,他领导的瓯海区房地产开发总公司创办于1989年。创业伊始,企业仅靠七、八个人和瓯海区城建局投入的5万元起家。经过9年的发展,如今公司已成为温州市房地产行业公认的佼佼者。公司现有员工78人,其中技术管理人员 50人,企业自有资金8000万元,其中拥有5000平方米办公房和营业商场等固定资产。9年来,公司参与了温州市旧城改建、新城开发、城镇建设、跨地区开发房地产,点多面广,开发总面积28公顷, Zhu Yunbo, Wenzhou Ouhai Real Estate Development Corporation Party branch secretary, general manager, he led Ouhai Real Estate Development Corporation was founded in 1989. At the beginning of the venture, the company only started with 50,000 people invested by seven or eight people and Ouhai Urban Construction Bureau. After nine years of development, the company has now become recognized as a leader in the real estate industry in Wenzhou. Company’s existing staff of 78 people, of whom 50 were in technical management, corporate self-owned capital of 80 million yuan, of which 5,000 square meters of office buildings and retail stores and other fixed assets. Over the past 9 years, the company has participated in the reconstruction of old cities in Wenzhou, the development of new towns, the construction of cities and towns, the development of real estate across regions, a wide range of areas and a total area of ​​28 hectares for development.
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