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小说《解密》为何能畅销全球 P

  Mai Jia Talks about Decoded with Two Translators
  Decoded, written over a period of 11 years and rejected 17 times by publishers, is a phenomenon in the history of Chinese literature. Since its first release in 2002, the simplified Chinese editions alone have sold more than one million copies. It has been translated into over 30 languages and distributed in over 100 countries. March 2019 saw the launch of a Persian version, the latest of the foreign language translations of the novel. In August 2018, Mai Jia talked with Olivia Milburn and Christopher Payne, translators of Decoded, at an international book forum in Beijing about the phenomenal book.

在莫斯科展示中国生活之美 P

  Oriental Life Aesthetics Exhibited in Moscow
  “Oriental Life Aesthetics”, an exhibition undertaken by Zhejiang Museum and sponsored jointly by Zhejiang Administration of Culture and Tourism and the China Cultural Center in Moscow, opened its door to the public at China Cultural Center in Moscow, Russia on the evening of February 27, 2019. This is one of the events to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of diplomatic relations between China and Russia as well as in celebration of the traditional Chinese New Year 2019. This exhibition marked the beginning of Russia-Zhejiang Tourism Year.

嗩呐与吉它的共鸣 P

  Du Zhusong: Music Talent in Cultural Exchanges
  Since 2017, Du Zhusong has been working as a professor at the MTSU Center for Chinese Music and Culture where he teaches Chinese music. As Du Zhusong plays all kinds of traditional Chinese pipe instruments, he is often invited to perform at various musical events. His performances have attracted some Americans to study under his guidance at the MTSU center.

一位温州华侨与80本漂洋过海的捐赠证书 P

  Chinese in French Guiana Donate to West Lake University   在央视的一档访谈节目中,西湖大学校长施一公深情讲述了西湖大学的办校故事。其中有一位长期居住在南美洲法属圭亚那的温州华侨周先生,辗转33小时,取道巴黎、赶到杭州。他带来了当地30多位华人华侨的捐赠款,带来了他们助力祖国强大的殷殷期盼。
  At a press conference at the annual session of the National People’s Congress on March 3, Mr. Shi Yigong, president of West Lake University founded on October 2018, expressed his gratitude to donors from across the world for generous donations to the private, research-oriented higher education institute in Hangzhou. In particular, he mentioned a group of Chinese donors in French Guiana.

把中國“福”送到美国 P

  Jason Gives away Spring Festival Blessing in Indianapolis and Beyond
  Jason is an American living in Hangzhou now. He went home with his Chinese wife and their child in January, 2019 and came back in March. As a cultural envoy from Hangzhou, Jason and his wife Chen Lin distributed Chinese greeting around Indianapolis, his home town.
歷史的一大步,是从考古人的一小铲,甚至是从一块小石头、几片黑陶片开始的。考古人解剖了那些隐藏在农田、树林、农居、作坊里的一个又一个遗址,串联起所有线索,解读这个王国的兴衰历程。  良渚考古走过83个年头,历经四代人,见证了现代考古学在中国的发展。  Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City  A small shovel in the hands of an ar
Qingtian is the birthplace of Yang Zhonggui, a writer and specialist in the stone carving tradition of Qingtian. “Qingtian has been densely-populated for most of its long history. The county’s long-ti
宋濤近照。A recent photo of Song Tao  Song Tao, born in 1955, is an accomplished calligrapher based in Hangzhou, capital of eastern China’s Zhejiang Province. Many of his calligraphy works can be seen acro
今年是大運河申遗成功5周年。5年里,大运河完成了一次完美蜕变。  今年也是西湖申遗成功8周年。8年里,世界见证了一个更美好的西湖。  如今,良渚古城遗址也载入《世界遗产名录》。这处实证中华五千年文明史的圣地,在过去的83年里一点点揭开尘封已久的面纱。今天,它是一道时代托付给现代人守护文明和延续历史的待解之题。未来,这个神秘的古国将向世人亮出更璀璨的文明之光。  The Post-Inscripti
Printmaking artist Lu Fang (born in 1932) is best known for the woodprints he has made about the scenic West Lake in Hangzhou. His prints about the legendary lake are so amazing that he is even nickna
Orolay, a Chinese brand of a women’s down jacket designed and made in Jiaxing in northern Zhejiang, has enjoyed unexpected popularity in in the last two years. On March 27, 2018, a story titled “The U
In ancient China, many scholars pursued a lifetime goal of reading 10,000 books and traveling 10,000 miles. For these ancients, traveling to see the real world was as important as reading books to und
Housing a rare collection of coins related to the era of Sun Yat-sen, the Sun Yat-sen Numismatic Museum in Hangzhou is the country’s first and only one of its kind. The museum itself is housed in a Re
如今,恢弘的宮殿早已经灰飞烟灭,但透过遗存和探寻,我们再一次与良渚文明相遇,感受到曾经的辉煌。  从考古人的手绘,到学者专家的书写,这个“史前王国”的景象仿佛历历在目。良渚古城遗址公园更是在保护遗址本体的前提下,通过现代科技手段展示良渚文化的内涵和价值,让古老的中华文明更好地走近普罗大众。  An Overview of Liangzhu  The majestic palaces of Lian
Zhejiang Peking Opera Troupe staged a gala at Global Village, a theme park in Dubai, from February 14 to 15, 2018. The troupe gave three performances during the two days at the park. The gala show was