
来源 :有色矿山 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Fzz
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矿山是冶金工业的基础。要多快好省地发展钢铁及有色金属,实现“四五”规划的宏伟目标,必须下很大的决心和力量,下苦功夫抓好矿山的生产和建设,打好矿山之仗。去年在云锡召开的全国冶金矿山会议上,云锡掘进四队、马万水工程队、华铜铜矿、杨家杖子钼矿、通化铜矿和大冶铁矿等单位介绍了他们以路线斗争为纲,发扬“一不怕苦,二不怕死”,艰苦奋斗的革命精神,加强科学管理,改善劳动组织等方面的好经验,促进了“采掘并举,掘进先行”方针和大打矿山之仗的群众运动的落实。在今年的冶金工作会议和科技工作会议上,华铜铜矿和河北铜矿又介绍了以“鞍钢宪法”为指针,在批修整风运动的推动下,自力更生,发动群众大搞技术革新,大搞矿山机械化方面的经验。这些经验是付合伟大领袖毛主席制定的坚持政治挂帅,加强党的领导,大搞群众运动,实行“两参一改三结合”,大搞技术革新和技术革命的“鞍钢宪法”五项原则的。 Mine is the foundation of the metallurgical industry. How to develop the steel, non-ferrous metals faster and more economically and realize the grand goal of the “4 th Five-Year Plan” must make great efforts and determination to do a good job in bitter production and construction of mines and lay a good battle for mines. At the national metallurgical mine meeting held last year in Yunxi, units such as the four teams of Yunxi NDRC, the Mavan Water Works Team, Huacai Copper Mine, Yangjiazhangzi Molybdenum Mine, Tonghua Copper Mine and Daye Iron Mine introduced their route Carry forward the revolutionary experience of “one is not afraid of suffering and the other is not afraid of death”, work hard for the revolution, strengthen scientific management and improve labor organization, and promote the strategy of “taking the lead in both mining and excavation” and fight the battle of the mines The mass movement of the implementation. At this year’s Metallurgical Work Conference and Scientific and Technological Work Conference, Huacai Copper Mine and Hebei Copper Mine also introduced the “Ansteel Constitution” as a guideline to promote the rectification campaign to promote self-reliance, mobilize the masses to vigorously promote technological innovation, large Engage in mine mechanization experience. These experiences are formulated in accordance with the five principles of “Ansteel’s Constitution” formulated by Chairman Mao, who uphold the guiding principle of politics, strengthen party leadership, vigorously engage in the mass movement, implement the principle of “changing the combination of the two parties and one country into the third,” and vigorously promote technological and technological revolutions of.
背景与目的:  淋巴瘤是起源于淋巴造血系统的恶性肿瘤,包括霍奇金淋巴瘤(Hodgkins Lymphoma,HL)和非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma,NHL)。NK/T细胞淋巴瘤(Natural killer/T
目的:  分析新疆维吾尔族早发型帕金森病(EOPD)和晚发型(LOPD)的临床特征及VPS35基因多态性,为临床诊断和治疗提供参考。  方法:  ①通过回顾性收集16例维吾尔族EOPD和30