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安全意识淡薄 火柴掏耳朵惹大祸漫画制作:田堂允 一姓杨的男士用火柴棒掏耳朵,不料竟“掏”出一场祸来:火柴头突然在其耳中自燃,造成中耳鼓膜灼伤,部分鬓发被烧焦。这是近日发生在河南省太康县的一件蹊跷事。这位姓杨的男士缺少了一种安全意识,火柴头主要成分是磷,与皮肤摩擦后容易对皮肤造成损伤;另外一点,火柴的自燃点低,极易引起自燃。时讯标准 公安部:消防应急照明系统将实施新标准公安部消防局正着手制定与国际接轨的消防应急照明系统国家标准,与 A small sense of security matchmaking ears trouble disaster comic production: Tian Tang allow a man surnamed Yang Yang with a matchstick stick ear, unexpectedly “dig ” out of a calamity: the match head suddenly flared spontaneously in his ears, resulting in Eardrum burns, part of the hair is burned. This is a strange thing happened recently in Taikang County, Henan Province. The man named Yang lack a sense of safety, the main component of the match head is phosphorus, easy to rub on the skin after friction with the skin; the other point, the match spontaneous combustion point is low, can easily cause spontaneous combustion. Ministry of Public Security News: Fire emergency lighting system will implement the new standards Ministry of Public Security Fire Bureau is working to develop with the international standards of fire emergency lighting system, and
给出了ISDN终端适配器TA的设计原理及实现方法,着重介绍了计算机相连的TA接口,TA在电路交换中所用的速率适配和接口协议的转换以及设计时应当考虑的因素. The design princi