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4月20日上午,由省委宣传部、省直机关工委、省总工会、省交通厅联合主办的 “陈刚毅同志先进事迹报告会”在武昌田汉大剧院隆重举行。中共中央政治局委员、省委书记俞正声在会上作了重要讲话。省委副书记、省长罗清泉主持了报告会。报告团四位成员从不同角度、不同侧面,朴实而生动地介绍了陈刚毅同志的感人事迹。俞正声指出:“陈刚毅的先进事迹,体现了他胸怀祖国、热爱边疆的爱国精神, 生命不息、奋斗不止的拼搏精神,刻苦钻研、勤奋好学的进取精神,不懈探索、敢于突破的创新精神,恪尽职守、忘我工作的敬业精神,淡泊名利、清正廉洁的自律精神。” 俞正声要求:“全省广大党员和干部都要认真学习陈刚毅同志的先进事迹,自觉对照检查自己,不断鞭策激励自己,开拓创新,扎实工作,为把湖北建成促进中部地区崛起的重要战略支点而努力奋斗!” On the morning of April 20, “Comrade Chen Gangyi’s Competent Demonstration Meeting” was jointly held by the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Work Committee of Provincial Direct Organizations, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the Provincial Communications Department, and was held at Tian Han Grand Theater in Wuchang. Yu Zhengsheng, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the provincial party committee, made an important speech at the meeting. Provincial Secretary, Governor Luo Qingquan presided over the report. The four members of the report delegation briefed him on the moving stories of Comrade Chen Gengyi from different angles and different sides, in a plain and vivid manner. Yu Zhengsheng pointed out: “Chen Gangyi’s advanced deeds reflect his patriotic spirit of cherishing the motherland and loving the frontier areas, his endless struggle, the hard-working spirit of struggle, hard working and studious enterprising spirit, the unremitting exploration, the innovative spirit of daring breakthroughs , ”Yu Zhengsheng requirements: " The majority of party members and cadres in the province should conscientiously study Comrade Chen Gangyi’s advanced deeds, conscientiously check their own self, and constantly spur incentives We must work hard to blaze new trails and do solid work in order to establish Hubei as an important strategic pivot for promoting the rise of the central region.
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