
来源 :广东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:menglimengwaiszy
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家蚕多化性蝇蛆病(简称蝇蛆病)是由于多化性蚕蝇蛆Tricholygasirbillaria(寄生蝇科)产卵于蚕体上,孵化成蛆,侵入蚕体内寄生而引起。广东养蚕业在每年3-12月的饲养季节都受到它的危害,特别是高温造受害更重。由于蝇蛆病的危害,损失原料茧10-20%。1963年我国试验应用“灭蚕蝇”防治,获得显著的效果,现广东各地已普遍推广应用。蝇蛆病的危害得到有效的控制。但是,这样的防治方法是治标的,不能彻底根治。由于防蝇需要大量药物,引起农药供 Silkworm polysemy myiasis (referred to as myiasis) is due to multiple sericulture maggots Tricholygasirbillaria (parasitic Muscidae) spawning on the silkworm, hatch into maggots, invasive silkworm body caused by parasites. The sericulture industry in Guangdong is harmed by its annual rearing season from March to December, especially when it is harmed by high temperatures. As a result of the myiasis damage, the loss of raw materials cocoon 10-20%. In 1963, China’s experimental application of “mulberry silkworm” prevention and control, access to significant results, is now widely used throughout Guangdong. The myiasis is effectively controlled. However, such a prevention and cure method is a temporary solution and can not be completely eradicated. Because of the need for a large number of anti-flies drugs, causing pesticide supply
1965年5月我们在文登县界石公社调查苗圃害虫时,发现有两个大队苗圃所育国槐(Sophora japonica)和刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)的幼苗遭受土壤根蛆为害。经鉴定主要有两种:葱
患者男性 ,31岁。因腰骶部疼痛 6h急诊入院。查体 :急性病容。多处浅表淋巴结肿大。胸骨压痛 ,双肺底闻及湿性罗音。肝下界位于肋下 6cm、剑下 8cm ,脾下界位于肋下6cm。实验室检查
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使用生物组织氧耗测量系统测定了常氧冻伤 (FN)、急性缺氧冻伤 (FAH)和缺氧习服缺氧冻伤 (FHAC)大鼠后肢重度冻伤前后腓肠肌耗氧量的变化 ,以探讨缺氧习服加重冻伤组织损伤的机理。结
我县广大工农兵和科技工作者,在毛主席关于“备战、备荒、为人民”的伟大战略方针指引下,开展了利用松毛虫卵繁殖赤眼蜂防治稻纵卷叶螟的试验,取得了较好的效果。 据盆栽试
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.