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(美)爱德华·肯尼迪《心的指南针》这是一个难以诞生伟人的年代,爆炸式的信息传播使一切都无所遁形,但已故美国著名政治家爱德华·肯尼迪是不平凡的,他并没有站在父兄的肩膀上恬淡地过完一生,而是勇敢地承担了家族的政治遗产:年仅30岁就担任了国会参议员,并坐镇参议员47年,无数次的因为民权、民生、医疗、教育问题咆哮国会,主持和参与了2500部法律法规的制定,力主解决北爱和平问题等一系列政治难题。 (US) Edward Kennedy’s “Compass of Heart” This is a time when great people could not be born. The explosive information dissemination made everything impossible to hide, but the late American famous statesman Edward Kennedy was extraordinary. Rather than standing on the shoulders of fathers and brothers, having spent the rest of his life indulging in tranquility, he bravely assumed the family’s political legacy: as a member of the Senate at the age of 30 and as a member of the Senate for 47 years. Countless times because of civil rights, livelihood, Growing up in health care and education The Diet has presided over and participated in the formulation of 2,500 laws and regulations and has been trying to solve a series of political problems such as the issue of peace in the north.
Series of new 2-aryl-6-styryl-2,3-dihydropyridin-4(1H)-one derivatives were synthesized in acceptable to good yields by treatment of the curcuminoids with aqueo
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可编程只读存贮器 EPROM 已广泛地应用在微计算机技术上,用以存贮一些固定程序和固定数据。除此之外,我们也试用 EPROM 代替 TTL 及 CMOS 数字集成电路,设计出了各种组合逻
A composite film of DNA/poly(3-methylthiophene)(P3MT) modified glassy carbon electrode(GCE) has been fabricated by electro-deposition method.P3MT film was first
A novel method for determination of formaldehyde sulfoxylate,sulfite,thiocyanate,and thiosulfate in foodstuffs by ion chromatography separation with postcolumn
本文针对杨树的栽植与管理及病虫害防治做一简要的介绍。 In this paper, poplar planting and management and pest control make a brief introduction.
Visible upconversion emission intensities are investigated in Er3+-doped Y2O3 nanocrystals.We also find that the upconversion intensity varies nonlinearly with