
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sea23266
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High frequency stimulation (HFS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is an effica cious symptomatic treatment for Parkinson’s disease. We have analysed the genet ic status of a series of consecutive parkinsonian patients implanted for STN HFS and compared the outcome of five carrying mutations in the parkin gene with tha t of the non-parkin group. All patients obtained sustained control of PD sympto ms and achieved functional improvement; in the parkin group the UPDRS motor scor e improved by 56.4%, the levodopa equivalent daily dosage was reduced by 75.5% . Postoperative medications were reduced more in parkin than in non-parkin pati ents. We confirm that the current inclusion criteria for STN HFS do not exclude patients carrying mutations in the parkin gene; their clinical outcome is compar able to that of the non-parkin group. High frequency stimulation (HFS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is an effica cious symptomatic treatment for Parkinson’s disease. We have analyzed the gene status of a series of consecutive parkinsonian patients implanted for STN HFS and compared the outcome of five carrying mutations in the parkin gene with tha t of the non-parkin group. All patients acquired sustained control of PD sympto ms and achieved functional improvement; in the parkin group the UPDRS motor scor e improved by 56.4%, the levodopa equivalent daily dosage was reduced by 75.5 %. Postoperative medications were reduced more in parkin than in non-parkin pati ents. We confirm that the current inclusion criteria for STN HFS do not exclude patients carrying mutations in the parkin gene; their clinical outcome is compar able to that of the non- parkin group.
我国干旱,半干旱面积约5.7亿亩,占全国耕地面积的38%。故应大力发展旱作农业。纵观国内外旱作农业技术与经验主要有: 一、搞好农田基本建设,改变生产条件农田基本建设要以改
本文叙述了质量成本模型的选择及参数的选取,从而建立了质量成本预测模型。该模型对开展质量成本预测工作有指导作用。 This article describes the selection of quality c