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许多年前,那时我刚20岁,冬天的一个晚上,我在某日报采访部忙着用打字机起稿。送稿工友传话要我到编辑主任办公室去。编辑主任是个秃头胖了,留着两撇蓬松下垂的白须,脾气很古怪。他靠在旋转椅背上问我: “你会弹钢琴吗?”“不会。” Many years ago, when I was just 20 years old, one night in the winter, I was busy working on a typewriter at a daily newspaper interview department. Sending a coworker to deliver a message required me to go to the editor’s office. The editorial director was a bald and fat man with two fluffy, saggy white beards, and his temper was weird. He leaned on the back of the spinning chair and asked me, “Can you play the piano?” “No.”
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那个雨夜,两个寂寞的男女各自想着自己的心事,却恰好进入彼此的情绪中,他们自以为爱上对方,其实不过是一场时空交错的误会。 That rainy night, the two lonely men and wom
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一天傍晚,父亲偶然见我坐在丹佛市家中的门廊里,他即刻明白我出了岔。我告诉他,科罗拉多大学法学院 One evening, my father accidentally saw me sitting on the porch in
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