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烧结矿中的氯元素含量对高炉氯元素负荷具有非常重要的影响,研究烧结过程中氯元素的来源和分配去向可以为降低烧结矿中的氯元素含量提供理论依据。通过数据采集和现场取样分析,对唐钢烧结工艺过程中氯元素平衡进行研究后发现:烧结工艺使用的所有原燃料都含有氯元素,含铁物料是烧结过程氯元素负荷最主要的来源,其次是返矿和炉尘;烧结工艺过程中的氯元素大部分被烧结矿带走,机头除尘灰和机尾除尘灰带走氯元素的比例也比较高。适当提高本地铁矿石的比例,限制返矿和炉尘在烧结混匀料中的配比,可以有效降低烧结工艺过程的氯元素负荷。 The content of chlorine in sinter has a very important influence on the load of chlorine in blast furnace. Studying the origin and distribution of chlorine in sinter can provide a theoretical basis for reducing the content of chlorine in sinter. Through data collection and on-site sampling analysis, the balance of chlorine in sintering process of Tangshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. was studied. It was found that all the raw fuel used in sintering process contained chlorine and iron was the main source of chlorine load during sintering. Is returned to the mine and furnace dust; most of the chlorine in the sintering process is taken away by the sinter, the proportion of chlorine dust in the head dedusting ash and tail dust decontamination is also relatively high. Properly increasing the proportion of local iron ore, limiting the proportion of the returned ore and furnace dust in the sinter mix can effectively reduce the chlorine element load in the sintering process.
虽然桌子上的日历早已经更新,但春节仍是大多数中国人心理上的年关,春节没过,2013年就还没过完。  说起春节,心里面便洋溢着暖暖的思绪。由于杂志的制作周期较长,写本篇短文时距
‘汽车的发明者,再次发明了汽车。’这句话很好地展现了奔驰对于新一代S级的  自信。如今,设计师又把S级上的精髓移植到了全新C级上。携S级之势,重新树  立中级豪华车的标杆
Objective: To evaluate the clinical feasibility and effect of the computer-assisted auto-frame navigation system for distal locking of tibial intrameduilary nai
目的:建立反向高效液相(RP-HPLC)色谱法同时测定尖叶假龙胆中5种汕酮类成分的含量测定方法.方法:采用Waters SunFireTMC18(4.6×150mm,5μm)色谱柱,以甲醇(A)-0.1%的甲酸水(B)