紧跟时代步伐 勇挑改革重担——山西省财政厅国库支付中心开创工作新局面

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成立2003年12月的山西省财政厅国库支付中心伴随着财政改革的进程,带着激情与奋进,在财政厅党组的正确领导与亲切关怀下,几年来紧跟时代步伐,勇挑财政改革重担,围绕全省财政工作目标,对内增强人员素质、优化工作程序,对外提升服务意识,以推进国库管理制度改革为核心,国库管理各 The establishment of the State Treasury Payment Center of Shanxi Provincial Department of Finance in December 2003 Along with the process of fiscal reform, with enthusiasm and progress, with the correct leadership and cordial care of the party committees of the Finance Department, in recent years, keeping pace with the times and braving the burden of fiscal reform , Around the province’s financial goals, internally strengthen the quality of personnel, optimize the work process, improve service awareness of foreign countries to promote the reform of the treasury management system as the core of the treasury management
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