
来源 :工程设计学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mileyChina
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Near interfaces of solid and liquid,electric double layer has electro-viscosity effects.Theoretical study shows that this electro-viscosity will make friction coefficient increase in thin film lubrication.The purpose of this study is to verify the influence of electric double layer on aqueous lubrication in an experimental way.Experiments were done on a composite sliding block tester,with distilled water as basic lubricant.Two different methods were adopted in the experiments.One is to add external electric field on friction pair and the other is to change ionic concentration in lubricant with additive-KCL here.Both methods can make electro-viscosity change according to theoretical research.During experiments,friction coefficient and steaming potential were measured.Experimental results show that electro-viscosity has significant influence on friction coefficient when film is thin.Friction coefficient increases obviously under thin film situation when external electric field is added or ionic concentration of lubricant is changed.In addition,with the increase of concentration of KCL,friction coefficient increases quickly.Test results indicate that electro-viscosity has significant effects on aqueous lubricating performance. Near interfaces of solid and liquid, electric double layer has electro-viscosity effects. Theoretical analysis shows that this electro-viscosity will make friction coefficient increase in thin film lubrication. The purpose of this study is to verify the influence of electric double layer on aqueous. lubrication in an experimental way. Experiments were done on a composite sliding block tester, with distilled water as basic lubricant. Two different methods were adopted in the experiments. One is to add external electric field on friction pair and the other is to change ionic concentration in lubricant with additive-KCL here.Both methods can make electro-viscosity change according to theoretical research. Fluid experiments and show that electro-viscosity has significant influence on friction coefficient when film is thin. Friction coefficient increases obviously under thin film situation when external electric field is added o r ionic concentration of lubricant is changed. In addition, with the increase of concentration of KCL, the friction coefficient increases quickly. Ten proofs that electro-viscosity has significant effects on aqueous lubricating performance.
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