Study on conductance of supersaturated chloride microdroplets

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sony360
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By using the measuring system previously designed by the authors, the conductance of KCl, NaCl and NH4Cl microdroplets is obtained in the whole measuring RH range, especially in the supersaturation region, which cannot be acquired from the bulk solutions and fills the gap of lack of experimental data of conductance under the supersaturated state. The ERH and DRH of these three kinds of microdroplets observed from a microscope are 80.5% and 95.4% (KCl), 75.7% and 93.3% (NaCl), and 69.9% and 96.6% (NH4Cl), respectively. In addition, it can be found from the dependence of conductance on RH that conductance is very sensitive to the existence of water molecules inside the microdroplet and the threshold of the deliquescence process can be predicted by the variation of conductance. By using the measuring system previously designed by the authors, the conductance of KCl, NaCl and NH4Cl microdroplets is obtained in the whole measuring RH range, especially in the supersaturation region, which can not be be acquired from the bulk solutions and fills the gap of lack of of The ERH and DRH of these three kinds of microdroplets observed from a microscope are 80.5% and 95.4% (KCl), 75.7% and 93.3% (NaCl), and 69.9% and 96.6% (NH4Cl ), respectively. In addition, it can be found from the dependence of conductance on RH that conduct of is very sensitive to the existence of water molecules inside the microdroplet and the threshold of the deliquescence process can be predicted by the variation of conductance.
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