
来源 :中国农资 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyunba
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本报讯“三夏”来临,山西省供销社发挥农资供应主渠道作用,全力保障农资市场供应。截至日前,全省供销社组织购进化肥、农药、农地膜、农用机械等农业生产资料总额6.43亿元,同比增长31.6%。其中,购进化肥39.2万吨,总额为5.8亿元。此外,为确保市场供应,山西省供销系统还与天脊集团、晋城尿素、鲁西化工等省内外大型农资企业合作,建立了产销合作联盟。目前,该省市场上各类农资完全能够满足“三夏”生产。同时,在化肥市场波动情况下,该省各级供销社及流通企业本着保本经营、微利经营的原则,确保农资市场价格稳定。为及时掌握价格信息,该省供销社还通过全省11个信息直报点,对尿素、复合肥等化肥主要品种的供应数量、价格变动进行定时监测。 In response to the “Three Summers,” the Shanxi Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative played a major role in the supply of agricultural resources and made every effort to ensure the supply of agricultural resources. As of the previous day, the province’s supply and marketing cooperatives had purchased 643 million yuan of agricultural production materials such as fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film, and agricultural machinery, an increase of 31.6% year-on-year. Among them, 392,000 tons of fertilizers were purchased, totaling 580 million yuan. In addition, to ensure market supply, Shanxi’s supply and marketing system has also cooperated with Tianji Group, Jincheng Urea, Luxi Chemical and other large-scale agricultural capital enterprises inside and outside the province to establish a production and marketing cooperation alliance. At present, all kinds of agricultural resources on the province’s market can fully meet the “three summers” production. At the same time, in the case of fluctuations in the fertilizer market, supply and marketing cooperatives and distribution companies at all levels in the province are in line with the principles of capital-preservation and low-profit management to ensure stable prices in the agricultural materials market. In order to grasp the price information in a timely manner, the provincial supply and marketing cooperatives also monitored the supply quantity and price changes of the main varieties of fertilizers such as urea and compound fertilizer through 11 information reporting points in the province.
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