Study on Dimension Chain Generation for Auto-body Tolerance Analysis

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suixin1102
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For auto-body product, assembly dimensional quality evaluation using tolerance analysis method is a challenging task because there are plenty of elements impacting on the variation stack-up and propagation during assembly process. Traditional method of dimension chain generation based on tolerance charting technique can not suit the case of auto-body assembly. This paper proposed a method to generate dimension chain based on developing a jot chain model of assembly, which can be integrated with important information needed for variation analysis, such as joints types and assembly sequences. The implementation of such a procedure will contribute to rapid evaluation of body dimensional quality in the design stage. For auto-body product, assembly dimensional quality evaluation using tolerance analysis method is a challenging task because there are plenty of elements impacting on the variation stack-up and propagation during assembly process. Traditional method of dimension chain generation based on tolerance charting technique can not suit the case of auto-body assembly. This paper proposed a method to generate dimension chain based on developing a jot chain model of assembly, which can be integrated with important information needed for variation analysis, such as joint types and assembly sequences. of such a procedure will contribute to rapid evaluation of body dimensional quality in the design stage.
目的 探讨下睑眼轮匝肌及其筋膜部分切断加悬吊矫正老年性下睑内翻的效果。方法利用眶肌筋膜韧带松解及提紧矫正老年性下睑内翻,将下睑眼轮匝肌近外眦部分斜行切断,并悬吊固定在眶外缘骨膜或外眦韧带上,使下睑紧张度提高。结果本组共21例(42跟)均施行下睑跟轮匝肌及其筋膜部分切断加悬吊加强下睑张力,矫正下睑内翻,随访6个月以上,手术均取得良好效果,无并发症发生。结论下睑眼轮匝肌及其筋膜部分切断加悬吊矫正老年性
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年nián三sān十shí儿er,放fànɡ完wán炮pào,  小xiǎo兔tù熊xiónɡ猫māo不bù睡shuì觉jiào。  看kàn电diàn视shì,吃chī饺jiǎo饺jiɑo,  守shǒu岁suì守shǒu到dào大dà清qīnɡ早zǎo。    脸liǎn对duì脸liǎn,瞧qiáo一yī瞧qiáo,  互hù相xiānɡ见jiàn面miàn嘻xī嘻xī笑xiào。  小xi
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