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在全党、全国人民深入学习、认真贯彻党的十四大精神,进一步推进有中国特色的社会主义伟大事业的形势下,由国家科委、中共中央宣传部、新闻出版署联合举办的首届全国优秀科技期刊评比表彰及经验交流大会于1992年12月26日至28日在北京召开。这是我国科技期刊史上的一件大事。这次大会,认真学习了党的十四大文件;全面回顾、总结、检阅了建国以来特别是十一届三中全会以来我国科技期刊出版事业取得的成绩;探讨了科技期刊在国民经济建设和科学技术发展中的地位和作用;交流了科技期刊出版工作的改革的经验;鼓舞并激发了广大编辑出版工作者的士气和热情。它对推动我国科技期刊的繁荣必将产生广泛、深远的影响。 In the context of in-depth study by the entire Party and the people throughout the country and the conscientious implementation of the 14th CPC National Congress and the further promotion of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the first nationwide co-sponsored by the State Science and Technology Commission, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Press and Publication Administration Outstanding Sci-tech Periodicals Commendation and Experience Sharing Conference was held in Beijing from December 26 to 28, 1992. This is a major event in the history of Chinese sci-tech periodicals. This congress conscientiously studied the 14 major documents of the party; comprehensively reviewed, summarized and reviewed the achievements made in publishing science and technology periodicals in China since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee; The status and role of science and technology development; the exchange of experience in the reform of science and technology periodical publishing work; the encouragement and stimulation of the morale and enthusiasm of the majority of editorial and publishing workers. It is bound to have a broad and far-reaching impact on the promotion of the prosperity of China’s sci-tech periodicals.
“在远处人堆中有个女孩突然向你微笑着,并且挥手打招呼,可是无论如何你也记不起她是谁,你认为究竟发生了什么事?A 她可能是个星探想发掘我;B 可能她是和自己的男朋友打招呼
目的 探索对流动人口肺结核病人或疑似肺结核病人的管理,提高活动性肺结核病人的发现率和治愈率,有效控制结核病的传播和扩散.方法 在政策的支持下,实施对流动人口肺结核病
An experiment using rhizobox was conducted to study Si, Fe and Mn distributions in rice rhizosphcre of red earths and paddy soils. It was found that Si, Fe and
1992年7月1日7时22分,上海交通大学电机系高压绝缘学科组组长、《高压电器》编委唐耀宗教授不幸逝世。噩耗传来,令人十分震惊与悲痛,并使我想起一些往事。 1956年,我在上海
陌生人构成了世界,陌生人分享着世界,陌生人在制造着身体与身体间的物理距离,也制造着粘连不断的化学事件。 Strangers make up the world, strangers share the world, str