坚持实施规范化 促进管理增效益

来源 :中国统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doraemon1226
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我们公司的统计基础工作在企业管理上等级的活动中,率先取得了省级“统计基础工作规范化合格证书”,多次被评为省、州、市统计基础工作规范化先进单位。回顾几年来的工作,我们认为,要搞好统计基础工作规范化——一是要持之以恒地抓好组织、业务建设,保证规范化的顺利实施规范化工作的第一步是成立以公司为组长,公司综合统计为中心的领导小组。公司所属各厂、所、科室、车间和班组都配备了统计员、核算员、考勤员和记录员。同时还制定了有关统计人员的岗位责任制、考核办法以及原始记录、台帐和报表的编制、传递、审核、归档、销毁、指标解释、计算方法等《统计基础工作规范化制度》共12章47条、各部门的负责人、统计员、考勤员、记录员人手一册,做到有章可循。我们还对公司的各类汇总表和原始记录进行审定和统一编号。几年来,无论在领导还是统计员发生变动的情况下,都坚持做到业务不中断,保证了统计基础工作规范化的稳定发展。 Our company’s basic statistical work in business management activities on the level, the first to obtain a provincial “standardization of statistical work certificate”, repeatedly been rated as provincial, state and municipal statistical basis for the standardization of advanced units. Recalling the past few years of work, we think that we should do a good job in the standardization of statistical work - First, we must persevere in grasping the organization, business development, and ensure the standardization of the smooth implementation of the work of the first step is to set up a company headed by the company Integrated statistics as the center of the leading group. The company owned factories, departments, departments and workshops and teams are equipped with statisticians, accounting staff, attendance and record keeper. At the same time, it has also formulated the posts accountability system and assessment methods for statisticians as well as the “Standardization System for Statistical Basic Work” of the original records, accounts, statements and reports, 12 chapters 47 Article, the heads of all departments, statisticians, attendance, record staff a handbook, to be rule-based. We also validate and unify the company’s summary tables and original records. In the past few years, both in terms of leadership and changes in statisticians, they insisted on doing business without interruption and ensured the standardization and steady development of statistical basic work.
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