Improvement of mobility edge model by using new density of states with exponential tail for organic

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeroii
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The mobility edge(ME) model with single Gaussian density of states(DOS) is simplified based on the recent experimental results about the Einstein relationship. The free holes are treated as being non-degenerate, and the trapped holes are dealt with as being degenerate. This enables the integral for the trapped holes to be easily realized in a program. The J–V curves are obtained through solving drift-diffusion equations. When this model is applied to four organic diodes, an obvious deviation between theoretical curves and experimental data is observed. In order to solve this problem, a new DOS with exponential tail is proposed. The results show that the consistence between J–V curves and experimental data based on a new DOS is far better than that based on the Gaussian DOS. The variation of extracted mobility with temperature can be well described by the Arrhenius relationship. The mobility edges (ME) model with single Gaussian density of states (DOS) is simplified based on the recent experimental results about the Einstein relationship. The free holes are treated as being non-degenerate, and the trapped holes are dealt with as being degenerate . This enables the integral for the trapped holes to be easily realized in a program. The J-V curves are obtained through solving drift-diffusion equations. When this model is applied to four organic diodes, an obvious deviation between theoretical curves and experimental data is observed. In order to solve this problem, a new DOS with exponential tail is proposed. The results show that the consistence between J-V curves and experimental data based on a new DOS is far better than that based on the Gaussian DOS. variation of extracted mobility with temperature can be well described by the Arrhenius relationship.
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