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中国体操队一参加亚运会,就接连四次(第7、8、9、10届)夺得男、女团体冠军称号,并总共获得金牌42枚,银牌33枚,铜牌14枚,可谓战绩辉煌。那么,本届亚运会是否会再领风骚? 中国女队技高一筹体操运动的特点是运动员更迭周期短,女子尤甚。上届亚运会的中国女队如今已只剩下陈翠婷了。17岁的小小年纪,却已是“老大姐”了。但她仍在刻意求新,苦练绝招,为小妹妹们作出了榜样。自由体操是她的强项,在上届亚运会上曾获得唯一的一个满分——10分。可是那套动作如果拿到本届亚运会来,就要贬值了。因为体操技术的发展日新月异,4年前被认为是很难的动作,4年后就可能不被认为是那么难了。于是她攻下了“后空翻两周转体720度”这个目前只有极少数男选手才会做的动作。在刚刚结束的中国杯国际体操赛中,她以9.90分夺得自由体操冠军,她有信心在亚运会上再夺这枚金牌。 As soon as the Chinese gymnastics team participated in the Asian Games, they won titles of men’s and women’s group titles four times in succession (7th, 8th, 9th and 10th sessions) and obtained a total of 42 gold medals, 33 silver medals and 14 bronze medals. . So, this session of the Asian Games will take the lead? Chinese women’s team is higher skill gymnastics athletes change cycle is short, especially for women. Chinese women’s team in the last Asian Games is now the only remaining Cui Cui Ting. 17-year-old young age, it is already “eldest sister.” But she is still deliberately new, hard-working, as an example for younger sisters. Her gymnastics is her strength, having won only one full mark at the last Asian Games - 10 points. However, if the set of moves to get the current Asian Games, we must devalue. Because of the ever-changing development of gymnastic techniques, it was considered difficult to move 4 years ago and may not be considered as difficult 4 years later. So she captured the “flip two rounds of 720 degrees,” which is currently only a handful of men can do the action. In the just concluded China Cup International Gymnastics, she won the 9.90 points to freedom gymnastics, she was confident to win the gold medal at the Asian Games.
Studies on drug combinations are becoming more and more popular in the past few decades, with the development of computer and algorithms. One of the most common
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<正> 祁连山是我国著名的高大山系之一。位于青藏、蒙新、黄土三大高原交汇地带。该山系东西距离长,高差悬殊,受大陆性荒漠气候及高山地貌的影响,气候的水平地带性和垂直地带