A Collinearity-Incorporating Homology Inference Strategy for Connecting Emerging Assemblies in the T

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junhao1987
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Plant genome sequencing has dramatically increased,and some species even have multiple high-quality reference versions.Demands for clade-specific homology inference and analysis have increased in the pangenomic era.Here we present a novel method,GeneTribe(https://chenym1.github.io/genetribe/),for homology inference among genetically similar genomes that incorporates gene collinearity and shows bet-ter performance than traditional sequence-similarity-based methods in terms of accuracy and scalability.The Triticeae tribe is a typical allopolyploid-rich clade with complex species relationships that includes many important crops,such as wheat,barley,and rye.We built Triticeae-GeneTribe(http://wheat.cau.edu.cn/TGT/),a homology database,by integrating 12 Triticeae genomes and 3 outgroup model genomes and implemented versatile analysis and visualization functions.With macrocollinearity analysis,we were able to construct a refined model illustrating the structural rearrangements of the 4A-5A-7B chromosomes in wheat as two major translocation events.With collinearity analysis at both the macro-and microscale,we illustrated the complex evolutionary history of homologs of the wheat vernalization gene Vm2,which evolved as a combined result of genome translocation,duplication,and polyploidization and gene loss events.Our work provides a useful practice for connecting emerging genome assemblies,with awareness of the extensive polyploidy in plants,and will help researchers efficiently exploit genome sequence re-sources.
每一次创新都挖空心思。中国整体创意的人文精神和完整性还需要提高    路建康的会议室里依次挂着各种色彩斑斓、人潮涌动的夹板画,有2008年北京奥运会的活字印刷术、建国50周年群众游行组字背景、景观歌剧《阿依达》、2004年雅典奥运会闭幕式等等。  他制作的大型活动涵盖各类运动会的开闭幕式,香港、澳门回归祖国等大型文艺演出,周年的群众背景表演。  总而言之,只要是大型广场艺术,需要人海来支撑的,路建
一个温暖的下午,在阿根廷的首都布宜诺斯艾利斯最大的公园巴雷莫树林内,38岁的管理员马赛罗·艾拉斯正在巡查。他看到一张长椅上有一部手机,而长椅上空无一人。他走过去拿起手机,就在这时,手机响了。艾拉斯按下接听键。“是的,你的手机遗落在了巴雷莫树林公园。”他问手机另一头的女人,“你在哪儿?”   手机的主人告诉他位置后,艾拉斯马上赶到,把她遗失的手机归还给她。   在世界的另一边,伦敦市索霍区的中央广场
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