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北京市电信建设公司是从去年三月份开始亚运会的电信工程全面施工的。从全面投入亚运会电信工程建设开始,公司副经理王宝山同志就担起了总负责的担子,截止今年七月底,公司共承建了五十二项亚运会电信工程,就在这五十二个工地上,处处都留下了他的足迹,哪个工地有问题,哪个工地就出现他的身影,迎接各国体育健儿的第一个窗口——首都机场局,到今年五月底土建还未完全竣工,电信管理局亚运会工程指挥部在调度会上要求公司六月四日进驻工地,四十五天内必须完成交换、传输、电源等的所有设备安装任务。王宝山同志接受任务后,二话没说,散会后就带领公司的调度员赶往工地,查看情况,落实条件。六月三日他亲自带队提前进入了施工现场,辅盖一放就开始了工作。在他的带动下,两个施工队二十名技术尖子组成的施工力量,只用了二十天就完成了任务。他不放过任何一个质量疑点,卫星地面站——国际局三十六公里长的十芯单模光缆工程,法国专家要求 Beijing Telecom Construction Co., Ltd. started construction of the telecommunication project of the Asian Games in March of last year. Starting from the full-scale investment in the construction of telecommunications projects for the Asian Games, Comrade Wang Baoshan, deputy manager of the company, shouldered the responsibility of the general manager. By the end of July this year, the company had built 52 telecommunications projects for the Asian Games. On the construction site, his footsteps were left everywhere, and there was a problem in any of the construction sites. At the site, he appeared on the site. The first window of the athletes of various countries, the Capital Airport Bureau, was not fully completed by the end of May this year. The Asian Games Engineering Headquarters of the Authority requested the company to enter the construction site on June 4th at the dispatching meeting. Within 45 days, all equipment installation tasks such as exchange, transmission, and power supply must be completed. After comrade Wang Baoshan accepted the task, he said nothing and, after the meeting, he led the company’s dispatcher to the site, checked the situation and implemented the conditions. On June 3, he personally led the team to enter the construction site in advance, and began work after the cover was released. Under his leadership, the construction forces of the 20 technical leaders of the two construction teams completed the mission in just 20 days. He has not missed any doubts about the quality of the satellite ground station, the 36-kilometre-long ten-core single-mode optical fiber cable project of the International Bureau, requested by French experts.
《节能》杂志社: 在过去的1990年里,贵刊对我厂的帮助实在太大了。贵刊在全国的节能杂志中影响很大,去年我厂在贵刊共做了4期广告,就使我厂在全国的知名度有了很大的提高,很