Two Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Transient Natural Convection in Freezer

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieming15898575325
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A two dimensional model of the transient natural convection in a freezer is studied numerically by finitevolume approach. The temperatures of the freezer outside surfaces and the evaporator vary in specifiedmanners, which were taken from an experimental work. The fluid in the freezer is of the Bousinnesqtype and the flow is assumed laminar. The transient heat conduction in the insulating layers and thetemperature and velocity fields of the fluid are solved conjugately. The radiation heat transfer betweenthe freezer inner surfaces is taken into account by using the additional source term method. The distributionsof the local Nusselt number along the upper and lower surfaces of the evaporator and theiraverage values in the period of periodically unsteady operation are calculated. Comparisons are madebetween the results with and without consideration of inner surface radiative heat transfer. It is foundthat the radiative heat transfer between the inner surfaces has a profound effect on the evaporator heattransfer characteristics. A two dimensional model of the transient natural convection in a freezer is studied numerically by finitevolume approach. The temperatures of the freezer outside surfaces and the evaporator vary in specified manners, which were taken from an experimental work. The fluid in the freezer is of the Bousinnesqtype The transient heat conduction in the insulating layers and thetemperature and velocity fields of the fluid are solved conjugately. The radiation heat transfer betweenthe freezer inner surfaces is taken into account by using the additional source term method. The distributions of the the local Nusselt number along the upper and lower surfaces of the evaporator and theiraverage values ​​in the period of cycle unsteady operation are calculated. Comparisons are madebetween the results with and without consideration of inner surface radiative heat transfer. It is found that the radiative heat transfer between the inner surfaces has a profound effect on th e evaporator heattransfer characteristics.
杨钧 山西太原人。毕业于郑州大学中文系汉语言文学专业,文学学士。北京师范大学文艺理论研究生班结业,复旦大学国内访问学者,加拿大渥太华大学访问学者。现为河南省安阳工学院文法学院教授、院长。  《水浒传》这部书,越往深处读,趣味越多,各种“启迪”也纷至沓来,应接不暇。比如“反腐”。细读水浒发现,这个地方竟然无贪腐,水泊梁山简直就是“反腐倡廉”的一片净土。  现如今,腐败已经成了一个令全世界都头疼的问题
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