创业 发展 展望——张家港艰苦创业 开拓创新的30年历程

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当历史迈步于世纪之交的时刻,张家港港迎来了她的而立之年。 张家港港的30年,是风风雨雨的30年;是不平凡的30年;是从无到有,从小到大不断向前发展的30年;也是张港人励精图治,艰苦创业,开拓创新的30年。 弹指一挥三十载,从1968年上万大军浩浩荡荡开进张家港,在芦苇滩上拉开了建港的历史序幕开始,到今天,港口机械林立、泊位成群、百舸争流、四通八达,张家港港成为国家重要中转枢纽和贸易通商口岸。这30年的峥嵘岁月中,我们跨越了建港、创业和发展的三个阶段;也经历了革故、鼎新的两大时期,整整两代张港人,在以一片滩涂为发祥之地,写下了张家港港发展史上极其辉煌的篇章。 30年前,肩负着国家的重托,老一辈港口创业者们以无所畏惧的革命气慨和英勇顽强的献身精神,面对滔滔长江水,脚踏片片芦苇滩,走泥泞路、住芦席棚,顶烈日,冒酷暑,战严寒,化冰雪,围堰吹填,筑堤修路,架桥建闸,用他们的智慧和力量,热血和汗水在 At a time when history is at the turn of the century, Zhangjiagang City ushered in her erected year. 30 years of Zhangjiagang Port is thriving 30 years; it is an extraordinary 30 years; it is 30 years from scratch, from small to large-scale continuous development; is also a good job in Zhanggang people, arduous pioneering and pioneering and innovative 30 years. Twenty-three years since the 1936 tens of thousands of marching into the mighty Zhangjiagang opened the reed beach began the prelude to the founding of Hong Kong began, until today, the port machinery, berths, beauties, Extending in all directions. Zhangjiagang Port has become an important transit hub and a trading port of trade in the country. During these 30 years of remarkable success, we crossed the three stages of establishing Hong Kong, starting businesses and developing our own life. We also experienced two phases of revolution and dynastic revolution. In the two generations of Zhanggang, , Wrote an extremely brilliant chapter in the history of the development of Zhangjiagang. Thirty years ago, with the trust of the country, the older generation of harbor entrepreneurs, with fearless revolutionary spirit and heroic dedication, faced the surging Yangtze River water, pedaling the reed beach, walking the muddy road and living Reeds shed, top hot day, summer heat, war cold, snow, cofferdam filling, embankment road, bridge construction gate, with their wisdom and strength, blood and sweat in
各市县旗长黑河专员: 一、工商业领导问题: 1、为着发展生产支援前线,凡对有利国计民生的私营企业,应鼓励与扶助发展,组织他们为国家或地方加工,各级政府做到适当掌握与分配