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全国政协主办的“北部湾新区建设与区域经济合作”专题研讨会6月4日在广西壮族自治区北海市召开。中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林会前会见了全体与会代表,全国政协副主席王忠禹在研讨会上讲话。全国政协秘书长郑万通主持研讨会。广西壮族自治区主席陆兵介绍了北部湾新区规划与建设的总体情况。国务院有关部委负责同志、部分民主党派中央有关同志、西南有关省市政协负责同志以及专家学者、中央企业代表等就北部湾新区建设与区域经济合作的问题提出了许多有益的意见和建议。 The Symposium on “Beibu Gulf New Area Construction and Regional Economic Cooperation” hosted by the CPPCC National Committee was held in Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on June 4. Jia Qinglin, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, met with all the participants before the meeting and Wang Zhongyu, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, addressed the seminar. Zheng Wantong, secretary general of the CPPCC National Committee, presided over the seminar. Lu Bing, chairman of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, introduced the overall situation of the planning and construction of the Beibu Gulf New Area. Relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council, relevant comrades from the central part of some democratic parties, comrades responsible for relevant provincial and municipal CPPCC committees and experts and scholars from the southwestern provinces and representatives of the central enterprises made many favorable comments and suggestions on the construction of Beibu Gulf New Area and regional economic cooperation.
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一、研究背景  随着城市的发展,高层建筑越来越多,电梯也越来越多地被使用。但是近年来,导致伤残的电梯事故层出不穷。  电梯安全事故常有发生,乘坐电梯时人们总会担心电梯会意外脱落,许多人还得了电梯恐惧症。一旦电梯脱钩或牵引电梯的绳索断裂,电梯箱体会从高处做自由落体运动,落地时破坏性很严重,有可能使电梯箱体中的乘客致残致死。  为了保证乘坐电梯的安全,我们在原有电梯的基础上设计和增加了两项功能,发明了
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