Exploration of New Financing Mode of Farmers’ Co-operatives——A Case of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Reg

来源 :亚洲农业研究:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zdx_comeon
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Based on the overview of the role played by farmers’ co-operatives in developing rural economy and existing problems,the thesis has introduced the factors which influence the development of farmers’ co-operatives including five aspects,namely conditions o
【正】 松下电器产业公司与同业界五大公司(通用电气,西门子、国际电信电话,菲利浦斯、日立)置身于世界五○个大企业行列。它在进入世界一流企业界以前的迅速成长情况,真是很
Based on the survey and research on rural households in Changshu City and Jiangdu City of Jiangsu Province, this paper researches the microeconomic subject-comm
在小学的数学工作中,对学生逻辑思维的培养是我们教学中的重点和难点,这个阶段的学生的思维方式主要还是感性思维和形 象思维,对抽象性的逻辑思维的理解力较差,没有一个合适的兴
The output data of crop farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery in the Hubei Statistical Yearbook-2009 is used to analyze the features of agricultural str
随着社会的进步,科学技术的不断发展,电子通信工程也在不断地高速发展,虽然发展速度较快,但是相较于其他发达国家, 我国的电子通信工程行业的水平还是很低,还存在着一系列问
班主任是班级各方面教育教学力量的组织者和管理者,是学生健康成长的引路人。本文就如何出色地完成班主任工作, 成为一名精致的班主任展开论述。
According to the characteristics of agricultural informatization development in Gansu Province from 2001 to 2010,the evaluation indicator system for agricultura