Ovipositional preference and larval performance of poplar defoliator,Clostera restitura on different

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We evaluated ten poplar clones (G-3, G-48, L-50/88, L-154/84, L-156/89, S7C8, S7C15,WSL-22, WSL-29 and Uday) for ovipositional preference and larval performance of Clostera restitura. Female moths did not show any preference with respect to clones for oviposition. Significant differences were observed for number of eggs laidon different plant parts. C. restitura laid eggs in clusters, preferably onupper surface of leaf and size of the egg cluster varied from 15 to 167eggs. Clones varied for their relative resistance and susceptibility to C.restitura. L-50/88; L-156/89 were identified as most resistant clone basedon minimum leaf consumption, whereas S7C15 was found to be most susceptible clone to C. restitura. In multiple choice experiments, no feeding preference by C. restitura larvae was detected amongst different poplar clones. After initial settlement of larvae on a particular clone, thelarvae remained confined to that clone and negligible inter-clonal movement was noticed subsequently. The fresh pupal weight was correlated negatively (r = 0.37) with percentage surface leaf area eaten and positively (r = 0.47) with length of larval period, measured on different clones. Relationship between percentage leaf area eaten and length of larval period was negative (r = 0.23). Owing to relative resistance of L-50/88 and L-156/89 against C. restitura, these clones can be recommended for plantation in defoliator prone areas in north-western India. We evaluated ten poplar clones (G-3, G-48, L-50/88, L-154/84, L- 156/89, S7C8, S7C15, WSL- 22, WSL- 29 and Uday) for ovipositional preference and larval performance of Clostera restitura. Female moths did not show any preference with respect to clones for oviposition. Significant differences were observed for number of eggs laidon different plant parts. C. restitura laid eggs in clusters, preferably onupper surface of leaf and size of the egg cluster varied from 15 to 167 eggs. Clones varied for their relative resistance and susceptibility to C.restitura. L-50/88; L-156/89 were identified as most resistant clone based on minimum leaf consumption, Susceptible clone to C. restitura. In multiple choice experiments, no feeding preference by C. restitura larvae was detected amongst different poplar clones. After initial settlement of larvae on a particular clone, the virusva remained confined to that clone and negligible inter-clonal movement was noticed subsequen tly. The fresh pupal weight was correlated negatively (r = 0.37) with percentage surface leaf area eaten and positively (r = 0.47) with length of larval period, measured on different clones. Relationship between percentage leaf area eaten and length of larval period was negative (r = 0.23). Owing to relative resistance of L-50/88 and L-156/89 against C. restitura, these clones can be recommended for plantation in defoliator prone areas in north-western India.
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