Jiang Mianheng Appointed as Principal of ShanghaiTech University

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  As People’s Daily reported on Feburary 20, ShanghaiTech University announced the start of nationwide undergraduate recruitment on February 19. In the article, Jiang Mianheng, leader of ShanghaiTech University preparatory team and President of Chinese Academy of Sciences’Shanghai Branch, was mentioned as “the Principal” for the first time by the media.
  ShanghaiTech University which was cofounded by Shanghai municipal government and Chinese Academy of Sciences announced its admission rules on February 19.
  Although ShanghaiTech University only plans to enroll fewer than 200 students for the first year, the abundant resource of teaching staff and creative talent-friendly environment still make sure that its debut came under the spotlight.
  2014 is the first year of ShanghaiTech Uni- versity to enrol undergraduates. Notably, the scores of national college entrance exams are no longer the single standards for the admission. ShanghaiTech University will receives applications of students upon the recommendation letters of their own or their teachers in addition to their long-time academic performance. Students’overall qualities are to be examined during the interviews on “Campus Open Day”. Each enroled student is said to be assigned with a mentor from the moment they begin to study there.
  Principal Jiang Mianheng promises that ShanghaiTech University will keep a simplified administrative structure and an academically professional faculty. He also indicates that the goal of ShanghaiTech University is not to become another “first-class international university”, but a small-sized high-level international researchoriented institute.
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