Datang Starts up PP Unit in Inner Mongolia Using UNIPOL Technology

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiazaisun
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On December 23rd,2009 China Datang InnerMongolia Duolun Coal Chemical CompanyLtd.and The Dow Chemical Company announcedthe successful trial-run of the firstUNIPOLTM Polypropylene (PP) Gas PhaseTechnology unit in China.The trial-run,whichtook place on November 18th,2009 with thefirst production of Aim grade polypropyleneresin,marked a major breakthrough for thetwo companies.The Datang plant located in Duoluncounty,Xilinguole,Inner Mongolia AutonomousRegion,northern China,is the first On December 23rd, 2009 China Datang Inner Mongolia Duolun Coal Chemical Company Ltd. and The Dow Chemical Company announced the successful trial-run of the first UNIPOL ™ Polypropylene (PP) Gas Phase Technology unit in China. The trial-run, whichtook place on November 18th, 2009 with thefirst production of Aim grade polypropyleneresin, marked a major breakthrough for thetwo companies. Datang plant located in Duoluncounty, Xilinguole, Inner Mongolia AutonomousRegion, northern China, is the first
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