Detecting circulating tumor material and digital pathology imaging during pancreatic cancer progress

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fmwksf
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Pancreatic cancer(PC) is a leading cause of cancerrelated death worldwide. Clinical symptoms typically present late when treatment options are limited and survival expectancy is very short. Metastatic mutations are heterogeneous and can accumulate up to twenty years before PC diagnosis. Given such genetic diversity, detecting and managing the complex states of disease progression may be limited to imaging modalities and markers present in circulation. Recent developments in digital pathology imaging show potential for early PC detection, making a differential diagnosis, and predicting treatment sensitivity leading to long-term survival in advanced stage patients. Despite large research efforts, the only serum marker currently approved for clinical use is CA 19-9. Utility of CA 19-9 has been shown to improve when it is used in combination with PC-specific markers. Efforts are being made to develop early-screening assays that can detect tumor-derived material, present in circulation, before metastasis takes a significant course. Detection of markers that identify circulating tumor cells and tumor-derived extracellular vesicles(EVs) in biofluid samples offers a promising non-invasive method for this purpose. Circulating tumor cells exhibit varying expression of epithelial and mesenchymal markers depending on the state of tumor differentiation. This offers a possibility for monitoring disease progression using minimally invasive procedures. EVs also offer the benefit of detecting molecular cargo of tumor origin and add the potential to detect circulating vesicle markers from tumors that lack invasive properties. This review integrates recent genetic insights of PC progression with developments in digitalpathology and early detection of tumor-derived circulating material.
2015年中国癌症统计数据显示,我国结直肠癌发病率、病死率在全部恶性肿瘤中均位居第5位,保持上升趋势,其中新发37 .6 万例,死亡19 .1 万例[1 ].
临汾市加大改革力度、完善工作机制,坚持把基层一线作为培养锻炼和选拔使用干部的主阵地,使基层一线成为该市干部队伍建设的源头活水。  首先在县级干部调整配别过程中,要优先选拔在基层一线涌现出来的优秀干部;重要部门、重要岗位出现空缺时,优先使用有基层工作经历的干部;县(市、区)党政班子空缺的部位,三分之二要用于县(市、区),同等条件下优先考虑担任优秀乡镇党委书记的同志。  同时,该市积极实行基层干部“动